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Urban 24 Hour Meter

Estimated Annual Bill

€1,244.24 /year

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Urban 24 Hour Meter

Estimated Annual Bill

€1,249.97 /year

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Urban 24 Hour Meter

Estimated Annual Bill

€1,273.32 /year

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What Are Average Gas and Electricity Bills in Ireland?

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Coins over an electricity bill and gas flame

As of July 2024, the average electricity bill in Ireland is €1,374.39 for a 24hr urban standard meter, while the average gas bill is €1,257.75 on a standard meter. If your average energy bill is above the average, you can save money by comparing and switching energy provider to find a cheaper deal. Our energy experts here at Selectra can help you find the best deal by calling 📞 01 913 1771

⚡ Average Energy Bill Ireland: The Essentials

Selectra brings you everything you need to know about the average energy bill in Ireland:

  • The average electricity bill in Ireland is €1,374.39 for a 24hr urban standard meter.
  • The average gas bill in Ireland is €1,257.75 on a standard meter.
  • Ireland has the most expensive electricity in the EU at a price of €0.4437/kWh as of late 2023.
  • Ireland also has the most expensive gas prices in the EU at a price of €0.1415/kWh in late 2023.
  • Selectra recommends switching supplier every 12 months to guarantee you are getting the best deal on offer.
  • Call Selectra on at 📞 01 913 1771 if you need help switching.

What Is the Average Electricity Bill in Ireland?

The average electricity bill in Ireland is €1,374.39 for homes with a 24hr urban meter.

This works out to €114.53 for the average monthly electricity bill.

💰 Supplier's Estimated Annual Bill vs Average Electricity Bill


Estimated Annual Bill (€)





Bord Gáis


Yuno Energy


Electric Ireland


Average Annual Electricity Bill in Ireland, €1,374.39



SSE Airtricity






Community Power




EABs for 24hr urban meters only. Other meter type bills may vary.
Average EAB calculated with a weighted average approach taking into account the different market share of each provider. Last updated, June 2024.

We remind you that the quickest and most effective way to save money on gas and electricity bills is to compare energy offers and switch energy providers every 12 months. This can usually save you anything from over €300-500 a year.

What Is the Average Gas Bill in Ireland?

The average annual gas bill in Ireland works out at €1,257.75 per year.

This works out to €104.81 for the average monthly gas bill.

💸 Suppliers Estimated Annual Gas Bill vs Average Annual Gas Bill


Estimated Annual Bill

SSE Airtricity


Bord Gáis




Average Annual Gas Bill in Ireland, €1,257.75

Electric Ireland




Prepay Power


*Figures are for illustrative purposes only. All discounts and cashback have been applied to price. Calculations based on average consumption figures. Average annual bill calculated using a weighted average according to the market share of each supplier.
Last updated, June 2024

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Selectra's Nightsaver Tip

"Switch to a nightsaver price plan, and avail of cheaper nighttime rates and lower your annual bills. Programme expensive appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines to run at night and pay less on your energy bill. On top of this, if you have an electrical vehicle, you can save money charging it overnight on the cheaper rate."

What Is the Average Energy Usage in Ireland?

The Commission for Regulation of Utilitie (CRU) monitors and collects information from Irish electricity and gas providers.

With this information, they can provide an average consumption rate of electricity and gas so that homeowners have a common figure to use when comparing electricity and gas offer from energy suppliers.

What Is the Average Electricity Usage in Ireland?

According to the CRU, the average annual usage of electricity for an Irish household is 4,200 kWh.

This works out to approximately 350 kWh per month. However, this amount can vary greatly from month to month. School holidays or situations where more people are at home than usual can increase this figure. 

For household trips or holidays, when fewer people are at home than is the norm, this figure can decrease.

What Is the Average Gas Usage in Ireland?

The CRU has placed the average gas consumption per household in Ireland at 11,000 kWh per annum. Why is gas consumption so much higher than electricity consumption, at 11,000 kWh compared to 4,200 kWh?

The reasons lie mainly in the way gas is used. Almost 64.7% of the energy used in EU households is used for home heating.

As the main purpose of natural gas usage in Irish households is heating, double the energy is needed for heating than for other energy consumption purposes.

How Did We Calculate the EAB for Gas and Electricity?

We employed a weighted average method to calculate the average electricity and gas bill. This approach ensures that the average reflects the varying rates charged by different energy suppliers and their respective market shares in Ireland.

What Else Affects My Gas Usage?

Gas boilers are not as efficient as electric radiators, losing at least 10% of the energy consumed. For every kilowatt-hour of gas used up, only 90% of it will be converted to heat.

In theory, usage of 11,000 kWh per year will result in an average of 946 kWh consumed per month. In reality, most gas consumption for any household will occur in the colder months.

Unlike with electricity, since gas is mainly used for heating, your home’s Building Energy Rating (BER), level of insulation, and air-tightness will also greatly affect your usage.

Estimated Annual Bills and Average Usage?

Often times, the terms estimated annual bill, (EAB), and average usage are used when talking about electricity and gas prices. Something it can be confusing to know what each term refers to and which we should pay more attention to when comparing prices on home electricity and gas deals.

While using the average annual usage amount is helpful by setting a level for all suppliers to be compared against, and also to help customers see which are the cheapest energy deals, it is not all that helpful for calculating the average annual bill for your household.

  • ⚡ Factors That Influence Your Average Usage
  • The size of your home
  • How energy efficient it is
  • How many people live with you
  • When the house is occupied
  • The type and frequency of appliance use

Switch Energy Provider With Selectra

If you’re looking to save money on your energy bills, you can also give us a call here at Selectra on 📞 01 913 1771 One of our energy experts can help you switch to a cheaper tariff in minutes so that you can start saving on your energy bills today.

How Does Ireland's Average Electricity Bill Compare?

Given the energy crisis throughout Europe and the rest of the world, the price of electricity has continued to soar, and it's getting more and more costly to pay our energy bills.

The latest figures from Eurostat indicate that Ireland's electricity prices have increased by almost 70% since 2020 from €0.2616/kWh to €0.4437/kWh in late 2023 making Ireland's electricity the highest across the EU.

Source: Eurostat

What About the Average Gas Bill in Ireland?

Again looking at Eurostat, the gas prices in Ireland are still relatively high despite forecasts of falling gas prices for 2024.

As of late 2023, gas prices had risen from €0.0690/kWh in 2022 to €0.1415/kWh in late 2023.

Source: Eurostat

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*Our energy experts, who specialise in the Irish energy market, are trained representatives of Selectra.ie and offer a free of charge, price comparison service.