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Cormac is's energy expert along with being the chief content and editorial manager for the website. His aim is to help find the best deal for you and your home energy needs so that you save money on your annual bills. His knowledge and experience of the Irish energy market allows him to offer the best advice and insight into current prices, emerging trends and overall energy saving tips.
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The PSO Levy for 2024/25 will increase from zero to €3.23 (excluding VAT) per month, or €38.76 per year for households. The increase will take effect from 1st October 2024. The Public Service Obligation (PSO) levy is charged to all electricity customers in Ireland as a means of supporting the renewable energy sector. The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) sets the level of the PSO levy every year, which runs from 1st October until 30th September.
How Much Is the PSO Levy?
The PSO Levy for 2024/25 is set at €3.23 (excluding VAT) per month, or €38.76 per year for households.
The PSO levy ensures a guaranteed price for electricity produced by renewable energy providers The levy increases when wholesale energy prices decrease, which has happened this year.
The Public Service Obligation (PSO) Levy is a tariff imposed on all electricity customers. Its goal is to help pay towards Ireland's renewable energy objectives and is included as an extra tax along with VAT.
The PSO Levy is different from the carbon tax, which is only levied on natural gas customers.
How Does the Government Work Out the PSO Levy?
The government sets the level of the PSO levy each year, either increasing or decreasing it accordingly.
The biggest factor that determines how much energy customers are charged on their average bills is the wholesale price of electricity.
If prices fall, the inverse effect occurs and the PSO levy increases to offset the lost revenue in the generation of renewable energy.
The PSO levy was first introduced in 2010 and in the table below you can see how it has fluctuated in amount in the following years, reaching over €100 in 2017
The PSO levy is important because it helps the investment in renewable energy and allows for renewable energy producers to receive a guaranteed minimum price.
This is vital since renewable energy is a very volatile business venture, and having a guaranteed price allows for Ireland’s renewable energy market to remain stable.
The PSO levy is charged to all electricity customers. It is applied directly to your electricity billand is paid over the course of the year, so it’s not all in one go.
Given that the PSO levy is currently set at €0.00, it has no effect on household electricity bills.
How Much Will the PSO Levy Increase By?
By how much it will increase or decrease is difficult to predict, given the factors that influence it.
While the energy market has stabilised in the last 12 months, prices still remain highdespite providers lowering their prices slightly, meaning that there is unlikely to be a significant change in the amount charged for the PSO Levy.
Is the PSO Levy increase costing you even more on your energy bills?
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Is the PSO Levy Reduction the Only Government Help?
In its latest budget for 2024, the government pledged to spend on reducing the cost of living crisis and making things a bit easier for energy customers across the country.
Among tax decreases and other help for social welfare, as well as dealing with the housing crisis, the government offered two other measures other than the decrease in the PSO levy to help battle the crisis:
Extra Fuel Allowance Payment The fuel allowance has now been made available to more people, and those who are already on it will receive a once-off payment of €300 in November 2024 to help with the rise in the energy prices.
€450 Electricity Payment Every electricity customer also received a €450 electricity payment for their electricity bills over the winter months. This payment was paid in three instalments of €200, the first in December 2023, the second in February 2024 and the third in March 2024.
We currently still need to wait for more information about the Budget 2025 and what changes might come due to the easing energy markets.
How Else Can I Decrease My Energy Bills?
Even as the PSO levy was decreased to zero from 1 October 2023, you can still take action to help decrease your own energy bills through implementing some energy efficient measures and or switching provider.
Learn More About Energy SavingOur energy guide articles contain lots of useful information on saving energy, lowering costs and having a more positive impact on the environment.
Cormac is's energy expert along with being the chief content and editorial manager for the website. His aim is to help find the best deal for you and your home energy needs so that you save money on your annual bills. His knowledge and experience of the Irish energy market allows him to offer the best advice and insight into current prices, emerging trends and overall energy saving tips.
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