How Do I Apply for the Household Budget Scheme?

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The Household Budget Scheme assists individuals receiving specific social welfare payments in managing household expenses. Weekly, fixed-amount deductions are made from your social welfare payments to cover bills such as electricity, gas, and rental payment contributions. The scheme is operated by An Post and your payments must be paid through your local post office. You can apply via An Post by completing an application form.

What is the Household Budget Scheme?

The Household Budget Scheme helps people who receive certain qualifying social welfare payments to manage the costs of their household bills over the year.

The financial scheme allows for a fixed amount of money to be deducted from your social welfare payments that are then allocated towards paying your bills.

The scheme is operated by An Post and your payments must be paid through your local post office.

How Do I Apply for the Household Budget Scheme?

To open a Household Budget account with An Post, you must complete the Household Budget Deduction Application form and send the form to the following address:

Household Budget,
An Post, 3A General Post Office,
O'Connell Street Lower,
Dublin 1,
D01 F5P2

You must complete a separate application form for each deduction you want to make.

That is to say, if you want to make a payment towards your housing body AND your electricity company, you will have to send two separate applications.

How Do I Qualify for the Household Budget Scheme?

To qualify for the Household Budget Scheme, you must be in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payments.

Below we have listed the qualifying social payments along with a short description of each payment:

Household Budget Scheme Qualifying Payments
Payment NameCategoryKey Features
Disability AllowanceIllness/DisabilityFor people with disabilities.
Invalidity PensionIllness/DisabilityLong-term payments for those unable to work.
Blind PensionIllness/DisabilityPayments for people who are blind or visually impaired.
Carer's AllowanceCarersPayments for people caring for someone in need.
Carer's BenefitCarersPayments based on social insurance contributions for carers.
Jobseeker’s BenefitJobseekersShort-term payments for those who have lost their job.
Jobseeker’s Allowance (and Jobseeker's Transitional payment)JobseekersPayments for those seeking employment and meeting certain criteria.
Back to Work Enterprise AllowanceJobseekersPayment to assist people to start their own business.
Pre-Retirement AllowanceJobseekersPayment for people approaching retirement.
State Pension (Contributory)Older AdultsBased on social insurance contributions.
State Pension (Non–Contributory)Older AdultsMeans-tested pension.
Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner's (Contributory) PensionBereavementBased on social insurance contributions.
Widow’s, Widower’s or Surviving Civil Partner's (Non–Contributory) PensionBereavementMeans-tested pension.
One-Parent Family PaymentFamiliesPayments for single parents.
Back to Education AllowanceEducation and TrainingPayments for people returning to education.
Farm AssistOther PaymentsPayments for low income farmers.
Supplementary Welfare Allowance (basic payment)Other PaymentsShort term financial support.

What Bills Can I Pay Through the Household Budget Scheme?

The Household Budget Scheme allows for direct bill payments from your social welfare.

Here's what you can pay:

  1. Housing:
    • Local authority rent
    • Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contributions
  2. Utilites:

Your electricity supplier must have an agreement with An Post to make deductions from your social welfare payment.

We recommend contacting An Post to see if your electricity supplier is included in the scheme, as if they are not included, you won’t be able to avail of the scheme.

How Much Can I Deduct Under the Household Budget Scheme?

You can choose to cover the full amount of your bill, however you cannot have more than 25% of total weekly social welfare payments deducted under this scheme.

Depending on which bill you are making a payment towards, there are certain conditions:

  1. Rent to a local authority:
    The amount deducted per week will be equal to your weekly rent payment agreed with your housing provider, as long as the total payment is not greater than 25% of your weekly flat payment.
  2. Utilities:
    The minimum weekly payment to any utility is €5.

In the case of electricity and gas bills, the pre-agreed deduction will be made on your bill within 4 days of your payment at the post office.

In the case that 25% of your social welfare payment is not enough to meet all your deductions in a particular week, the local authority deduction will be made first.


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Can I Change the Amount I Deduct?

It is possible to make changes to the amount that is deducted from your social welfare payments, however it requires the resubmission of a Household Budget Scheme application form.

If you want to make changes to the deductions being paid to a housing body, you must include a letter from the authority authorising the change in deduction.

Can I Stop a Deduction?

You can cancel a deduction and are required to give a 2-week written notice to An Post.

As part of your written notice, you should include the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • PPS number
  • Account number
  • Details of deductions to be cancelled
  • If you want to cancel the deductions paid to a housing body, you must include a letter of authorisation from the housing body.

How Can I Contact the Household Budget Scheme?

If you are looking for more information about the scheme, you can contact An Post at the following:

Household Budget Scheme Contact Details
Phone Number1800 70 71 72
Postal AddressHousehold Budget,
An Post, 3A General Post Office,
O'Connell Street Lower,
Dublin 1,
D01 F5P2

Are There Other Schemes Similar to the Household Budget Scheme?

In addition to the Household Budget Scheme, there are several other schemes and grants available to homeowners, in particular those considered vulnerable priority customers, to help with energy costs and or home efficiency upgrades.

Schemes available include:

  • Household Benefits Package: Provides support to eligible homeowners for their energy bills and TV licence.
  • Fuel Allowance: A payment scheme that aims to help people in vulnerable situations in Ireland pay for heating during the winter months.
  • Free Electricity Allowance: A monthly electricity allowance paid to recipients of the Household Benefits Package.
  • SEAI Grants Scheme: Offers a range of grants for home improvements, including heating systems and solar panels.
  • Windows and Doors Grant: Eligible households can benefit from funding towards the upgrading of windows and doors.
  • Budget 2025: The Irish government announces changes to schemes and grants each year, as well as changes in eligibility.
  • Warmer Homes Scheme: Funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), the scheme is aimed at providing free home energy upgrades to homeowners who are in receipt of certain social welfare payments.

Each of the above-mentioned schemes have their own eligibility and application processes, and we recommended visiting the respective pages to get the full details.

Are There Other Ways to Manage My Energy Costs?

Home energy bills and the cost of electricity continue to pose a challenge to households across Ireland.

In addition to the forementioned schemes and programmes, there are other ways you can manage your home energy costs:

  • Compare Electricity Prices: By regularly comparing the market and switching every 12 months, you can make sure you're always getting the cheapest rate on the market.
  • Compare Electricity Providers: Comparing electricity providers can help you see if your current provider is offering the best discounts, range of prices etc.
  • Compare Average Electricity Bills: Compare your annual bill to see if you are paying more than the national average.
  • Home Heating: Having your heating system regularly serviced can help maintain its efficiency and reduce your heating bills. 
  • Insulation: By properly insulating your walls, windows and doors, you can improve the heating efficiency of your home.
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