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A Guide to the Fuel Allowance 2024/2025

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You can apply for the Fuel Allowance online by using your MyGovID account. The fuel allowance payment begins in late September 2024 and runs until April 2025 at a rate of €33 per week. It can be paid to you in 2 instalments of €462 in September 2024 and January 2025. To be eligible for the fuel allowance, you must meet certain criteria as laid out by the Department of Social Protection.

⭐ Everything You Need To Know About Fuel Allowance 2024/2025
📅 When is the next fuel allowance for 2024?The fuel allowance payment began on Monday, 23rd of September 2024 and will run until Friday, 4th of April 2025.
💸 How much is the fuel allowance?The fuel allowance in Ireland is set at €33 per week or as two lump sum payments of €462. In total, recipients will receive a total of €924.
🙋 Who is eligible for the fuel allowance?Anyone who is living alone, receives a social welfare payment, and passes a mean test is eligible.
📝 How do I apply for the fuel allowance?You can apply for the Fuel Allowance online by using your MyGovID account.

What Is the Fuel Allowance?

The Fuel Allowance is a payment scheme that aims to help people in vulnerable situations in Ireland pay for heating during the winter months. The figure is set by the government annually as part of the national budget.

It’s paid on a per household basis, so only one member of a household can receive it, and it is usually paid weekly or in instalments.

The Fuel Allowance should not be confused for the Free Electricity Allowance, which is part of the household benefits package and designed to help with electricity bills for those aged over 70.

How Much Is the Fuel Allowance for 2024/2025?

The Fuel Allowance in Ireland can be received in two different ways:

  1. Paid as a weekly €33 payment during the fuel season (usually from September to April for 28 weeks).
  2. Two fuel allowance lump-sum payments, which are typically paid in September and January.

The Fuel Allowance works out at €462 whether you decide to receive it weekly, or as two lump sums.


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What Are the Payment Dates for the 2024/2025 Fuel Allowance

The 2024/2025 Fuel Allowance began on Monday, 23rd of September 2024 and will run for 28 weeks until Friday, 4th of April 2025.

Weekly payments are made on the same day as you collect your social welfare payment or pension.

The fuel allowance in Ireland is set at €33 per week for a total of 28 weeks in total, recipients will receive a total of €924. It can be paid to you in 2 instalments of €462, in September 2024 and January 2025.

Once Off Fuel Allowance Bonus Payment of €300

As announced in Budget 2025, recipients of the Fuel Allowance will receive a once off payment of €300. The bonus payment will be paid in November 2024.

How Do I Qualify for the Fuel Allowance 2024/2025?

There are three conditions you need to meet when checking to see if you’re eligible for the Fuel Allowance in Ireland. You must be eligible in each category in order to qualify.

You will need to be:

  1. Living alone or with other qualifying people.
  2. Be aged 66 or over.
  3. Receive a qualifying payment. (social welfare payment)
  4. Pass a means test.

Do I Need To Live Alone for the Fuel Allowance?

The first consideration for eligibility is your living situation. You must either be living alone or with one of the following:

  1. Dependents
    Dependent occupants such as a spouse, civil partner, or children.
  2. Other Qualifiers
    Other occupants who would also qualify for the Fuel Allowance in Ireland.
  3. Carer’s Benefit Recipient
    A person who is receiving the carer’s benefit and caring for you or your dependants full-time.
  4. Jobseeker’s Allowance Recipient
    A person receiving the jobseeker’s allowance or the basic supplementary welfare allowance.

What Are the Qualifying Payments for the Fuel Allowance?

Secondly, you will need to be receiving one of the following qualifying benefits in order to be eligible for the Fuel Allowance:

  • State pension
  • Widow’s, widower’s or surviving civil partner’s pension
  • Incapacity supplement
  • Blind pension
  • Invalidity pension
  • Disability allowance
  • Deserted wife’s allowance
  • One-parent family payment
  • Guardian’s payment
  • Farm assist
  • Pre-retirement allowance
  • Basic supplementary welfare allowance (for more than 455 days)
  • Jobseekers allowance (for more than 390 days)
  • Jobseekers transitional payment
  • Death benefit (under the occupational injuries scheme)
  • Carer's Allowance (from January 2025)

What Is the Fuel Allowance Means Test?

Finally, in order to receive the Fuel Allowance, you need to pass the means test to show that your income is below the threshold in order to receive help.

This means that your weekly income (before taxes) needs to be below a certain amount before you can receive the Fuel Allowance.

The amount of money you have also extends to your wealth:

  1. Income Limits
    If you’re under 66, your income can’t be over the rate for State Pension plus another €200. This is called the assessable income limit, which is €489.30 a week for a single person or €682 for a couple.

    If you’re over 66, you can have an income of up to €524 a week, or €1,048 per week for a couple.

  2. Capital
    If you are under 66, the first €20,000 of your investments, savings, property, or shares are not taken into account.

    If you’re over 66, this is the first €50,000.

One Fuel Allowance Payment per Household

Even if two or more people in a home qualify for the Fuel Allowance, only one person can claim it.

How Do I Apply for the Fuel Allowance 2024/2025?

You can apply for the Fuel Allowance online by using your MyGovID account.

If you prefer to apply by post, you must fill out one of the two following documents.

  1. If you are aged under 66, fill in the NFS1 form
  2. If you are over 66, fill in the NFS2 form.

You can either print this document yourself or pick it up from any post office.

When filling in the Fuel Allowance form, don’t forget to indicate whether you’d prefer to receive weekly or lump-sum payments. If you’ve already applied or qualified for the allowance and later changed your mind about how you’d prefer to be paid, you can still change it by filling in the CPF1 form.

You do not need to reapply for Fuel Allowance each year as long as, your circumstances remain the same, and you continue to get the same social welfare payment.

Can the Fuel Allowance Be Backdated?

If you apply for the Fuel Allowance at the start of the season, September, it will not be backdated, but you will receive the payment for January. With this in mind, it is important to apply before the season starts to ensure that you receive the full payment.

Where Do I Send My Fuel Allowance Application?

Once you have filled out the Fuel Allowance form, you will need to send it to the relevant government department that issues your benefit payment.

Below, you will find the necessary postal addresses for the corresponding government department where you can send your application:

Fuel Allowance Application Contact Information
Payment TypeApply to:
Disability Allowance
Incapacity Supplement
Invalidity Pension
Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection
Social Welfare Services Office,
Government Buildings,
Balinalee Road,
Tel: ☎ (043) 334 0000
Locall: ☎ 1890 927 770
Blind Pension
Deserted Wife's Benefit/Allowance
Guardian's Payment 
Prisoner's Wife Allowance
State Pension
Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner's
Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection
Social Welfare Services,
College Road,
Note: This office does not accept visits from the public.
Tel: ☎ (071) 915 7100
Locall: ☎ 1890 500 000
Farm Assist
Jobseeker's Transitional Payment
Long-term Jobseeker's Allowance (15 months)
One Parent Family Payment
Send your filled-in form to your local Intreo Centre or Social Welfare Office
Long-term Supplementary Welfare Allowance (15 months)Make an application with a Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection representative at your local welfare office.
Persons in receipt of a social security payment from a country either covered by EU regulations, or with which Ireland has a bilateral social security agreementNational Fuel Scheme
Social Welfare Services,
College Road,
Tel: ☎ (071) 915 7100
Locall: ☎ 1890 500 000
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