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Are There SEAI Grants for Windows and Doors in Ireland in 2025?

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Window and door with money

There are no longer any direct SEAI grants for windows and doors in Ireland. Homeowners can receive funding for new windows and doors as part of The National Home Energy Upgrade Scheme, but this is part of a larger, retrofit designed to bring homes up to a BER rating of B2 or higher. Additionally, the Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme also offers grants for windows and doors to those who are considered vulnerable and people who receive qualifying social welfare payments.

What SEAI Grants for Windows and Doors Are There?

While there are no direct SEAI grants available for homeowners in Ireland, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) do offer financial assistance for the upgrading of doors and windows as part of other, larger retrofitting grant schemes.

The following three grants include upgrades for windows and doors:

  1. The National Home Energy Upgrade Scheme
  2. The Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme
  3. The Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme

What Is The National Home Energy Upgrade Scheme?

The National Home Energy Upgrade Scheme, also known as the One-Stop Shop scheme, provides grants to help upgrade the energy efficiency of your home. The grants are administered by the SEAI and a private contractor carries out the work on their behalf.

Under the scheme, you can receive grants towards the upgrading of your windows and doors to help improve your home's heating efficiency as part of a wider, retrofitting upgrade of your entire home.

How Much Are The Grants?

The scheme will provide €800 towards the installation of 2 external doors. Any additional doors will not be covered by the scheme.

In terms of windows, the scheme will provide the following amounts:

One Stop Shop Window Grants Amount
Type of HomeGrant Amount
Mid-terrace house€1,800
Semi-detached or end of terrace house€3,000
Detached house€4,000

Last Updated: March 2025

How Do I Qualify For The Grant?

The scheme is available to all homeowners and landlords. To qualify, you must:

  • Be the owner of a property built and occupied before 2011 for insulation, heating control systems and renewable systems grants.
  • Have a home with a BER of B3 or lower before the work.
  • Reach a BER of at least B2 after the work and have a BER improvement of 100 kWh/m2 per year.
  • Not have already used grants for the same energy upgrades.
  • Use an SEAI registered company (One-Stop Shop) to manage the process, work, and applications.

To apply for this grant, you should contact an SEAI registered One-Stop-Shop.


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What Is the Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme?

The Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme offers free replacement windows for vulnerable individuals and people who receive certain welfare benefits.

To qualify for a windows grant via this scheme, you need to meet the following criteria:

  1. Own your home and be living in it.
  2. Your home must have been built and occupied before 2006.
  3. Your home must have a BER of C, D, E, F or G.
  4. Be in receipt of a social welfare payment.

Priority is given to the least energy-efficient homes in the country, those built prior to 1993 with a Building Energy Efficiency rating (BER) of E or lower:

To receive a grant for replacement windows under this scheme, an SEAI contractor will need to visit your home to measure the dimensions of the windows.

Once this information has been sent to the supplier for manufacturing, it will take about four to five weeks for the installation to take place.

What Is the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS)?

This scheme requires obligated parties (energy suppliers with sales greater than 600 GWh per year) to provide support to homeowners for energy efficiency projects, such as certain home improvements.

Under this scheme, you may be able to get a grant for full window and external door replacements.

To apply for a grant, it’s best to first contact your own energy supplier to see if they will offer support. If not, you can reach out to any other obligated party for help.

The following domestic energy suppliers are considered obligated parties:

  • Bord Gáis
  • Electric Ireland
  • Energia
  • Flogas
  • PrePayPower
  • SSE Airtricity

For more information about this scheme and how to apply, head to the designated guide on the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS).

In addition to offering grants for windows and doors, various other grants are also available with SEAI:

How Much Can New Windows Save on Energy Costs?

Replacing old single-pane windows with new energy-efficient ones that have double or triple glazing could reduce your energy bills by €100 to €400 per year. If you already have double-pane windows, your savings will be much less at an estimated €20 to €100.

Are There Other SEAI Grants for Windows and Doors?

SEAI isn’t the only provider of grants for windows and doors.

The Housing Aid for Older People Scheme is aimed at elderly people living in poor housing conditions. You must be over the age of 65 to qualify. Works covered by this scheme include the repair or replacement of windows and doors.

To apply for a grant for windows and doors via this scheme, download an application form from You can also get the form from your local authority.

The following table shows the maximum grant values per annual household income:

🏡 Housing Aid for Older People Grants
Household IncomePercentage of Total Cost CoveredMaximum Grant Value
Up to €37,500100%€10,700
€37,501 - €43,75085%€9,095
€43,751 - €50,00075%€8,025
€50,001 - €62,50050%€5,350
€62,501 - €75,00030%€3,210
More than €75,000NoneNo Funding Available

Last Updated: March 2025

Note to Landlords

If you are a landlord and have a long-term lease agreement with a tenant over 65 years of age whose annual income is lower than €60,000 a year, you can apply for this government scheme.

What Is the Contact for SEAI Windows and Doors Grants?

To help you get your query solved as quickly as possible, we've listed all the contact numbers and details below for the schemes we described in the previous sections.

📞 SEAI Contact Information
SEAI SchemeContact MethodContact Number/Email
Customer ServicePhone01 808 2100
Fully Funded Energy UpgradePhone01 808 2004
Better Energy Warmer Homes SchemeEmail[email protected]
Energy Efficiency Obligation SchemeEmail[email protected]

SEAI Windows and Doors Grants FAQs

How Much Do New Windows and Doors Cost?

The cost of new windows and doors varies depending on many factors, such as size, style, and material. New windows usually range from €450 to €1,700 per window. A new door costs around €700.

How Many Years Do New Windows Last?

Windows typically last for 20 to 25 years. While aluminium windows are more susceptible to dents, vinyl window frames, such as uPVC, can last for up to 40 years. Other external factors, such as extreme weather conditions, can also affect how long your windows will last.

What Time of Year is Best to Replace Windows?

It’s best to replace windows in the spring or early summer. Not only will you avoid letting in a cold draft, but some materials, such as caulk, should only be applied when the temperature is above 5 degrees Celsius.

If your windows are inefficient, and it’s the middle of winter, you don’t have to wait until the warmer months to replace them, however. By going ahead with the work, you will likely notice an extreme increase in your home’s comfort level once the new windows are installed. Many companies also offer discounts during the off-season.

Can I Apply Online for a Window and Doors Replacement Grant?

For any of the SEAI home improvement grants mentioned above that contain funding towards replacement doors and windows, you can apply online through

Are There Window and Door Grants for Pensioners?

There isn't any particular scheme or grant for window and doors aimed exclusively at pensioners.

Any homeowner, whether they are retired or still working, are free to apply for funding from the SEAI for home upgrades that may include funding towards replacement windows and doors.

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