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How To Switch Your Electricity Provider in Ireland?

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switch electricity and gas provider

Switching electricity supplier can be done directly with the supplier either online, or by phone.To switch all you need is your MPRN number, a recent meter reading and your banking details. Make sure you are out of contract with your current supplier to avoid paying a €50 exit fee. For help and expert advice when switching electricity provider, you can call Selectra for free on 📞 (01) 913 1771.

How Do I Switch My Electricity Provider?

Switching electricity provider can be done either online or by phone by following this simple process:


Gather Together Your Important Information

Find a recent electricity bill that has your personal detials including your MPRN number and bank detials.


Take a Final Meter Reading

Take a final meter reading to make sure you are billed correctly by your new supplier.


Contact Your Chosen Provider

Once you have all of your details together, contact your new supplier either by phone or online and provide them with your details. They will work with your old supplier to make sure the switch is seemeless.


Final Bill and Confirmation

You will receive a final bill from your old supplier before then receiving a welcome pack from your new supplier confirming your switch.

⚡ Switching Electricity Provider: Checklist

Before switching electricity providers, ensure you've checked off these key points:.

  • Has my contract with my current electricity supplier expired?
  • Do I have a recent bill and my MPRN number ready?
  • Do I have my most recent meter readings ready?
  • Have I compared electricity providers looking at their unit rates, standing charges and estimated annual bills?
  • Have I checked the details of the contract including lenght of contract, payment method and exit fees?
  • Have I checked online reviews of the supplier to see how thier billing and customer service are?
  • I know that I have a 14-day cooling off period if I decide to change my mind.

Avoid Exit Fees When Switcing Electricity Provider?

Make sure that you are out of contract with your current supplier before switching. Suppliers charge a €50 exit fee for customer who are looking to switch before the duration of their contract has expired.

What Information Do I Need To Switch Electricity Provider?

You will generally need to provide the following information to switch electricity provider in Ireland:

  1. Personal details.
  2. Contact information, like your email address for online plans.
  3. Banking information for Direct Debit plans.
  4. Your MPRN and/or GPRN to locate your meters.
  5. Your Eircode or full address.

Make Sure To Have Your Meter Readings Ready To switch provider, along with other important details, you also need your recent meter readings to make sure that you are not charged for any electricity you did not consume. Simply quote the number on your electricity and or gas meter when switching.

⚡ Important Numbers to Know When Switching Electricity Provider

Make sure to have these different numbers at hand when switching:

  • MPRN - This is the 11-digit number that identifies your meter and can be found on your electricity bill (e.g, 10 006 759 704)
  • Account number - A 9 or 10 digit number tht identifies your account with your electricty supplier. (e.g, 573259396)
  • Eircode - A 7 digit code identifying your home address. (e.g, A98 H3X5)
  • IBAN - A identifier for your bank account that allows you to set up a direct debit with your new electricity supplier. (e.g, IE79BOFI93115212345678)

How Long Does It Take To Switch Electricity Providers?

It can take up to 28 days to finalise a change of electricity or gas provider, but keep in mind that your new provider will take care of all the necessary paperwork for you.

The only thing you will need to do is make sure to cancel any Direct Debits you have set up with your previous electricity and/or gas supplier after you receive your final bill.

How Will I Know If My Electricity Switch Has Been Completed?

Upon completion of your gas or electricity switch, you will receive a welcome pack with information about your new tariff from your new energy supplier.

You should also receive a final bill from your previous supplier (make sure to cancel any Direct Debits to your old supplier as soon as you have paid this).

Average Electricity and Gas Bill

The average electricity bill in Ireland is €1,556.49 for a 24hr urban standard meter, while the average gas bill is €1,321.93 on a standard meter.

Are There Different Payment Methods When Switching Electricity Supplier?

When you switch electricity provider, you can choose from a variety of different payment methods that suit you best.

Often, suppliers offer discounts to customers who opt to sign up to direct debit payments and or e-billing when switching provider.

Direct Debit

Direct debit is the most common payment type for suppliers.

When you receive your bill, a date will be included for when you can expect payment to be deducted from your bank account. You are usually given notice of two weeks before payment is expected.

Direct debit is the most convenient means of payment and on top of that, many suppliers offer their best discounts to customers who choose to pay this way You must provide your supplier with your bank sort code and account number, or your IBAN.

Cash or Cheque

Some suppliers will allow you to pay by cash or cheque at your local bank or post office.

Despite this, these tariffs are usually more expensive and don't come with the same incentives and discounts as choosing to pay by direct debit.


You can choose to switch to a PAYG tariff, which don't have bi-monthly bills.

You normally purchase your electricity credits online or in shops, as these tariffs operate on a credit system where you top up your meter as you need to.

However, these plans are usually more expensive than normal bill pay tariffs and don't offer the same discounts as direct debit deals.

Does Switching Electricty Provider Help Save Money?

Switching electricity provider every 12 months can help you save money.

Most electricity and gas contracts in Ireland have a 12-month duration. Once this period is over, customers are often placed on the supplier's standard rates.

By switching provider each year, you will be consistently charged a discounted unit rate for your electricity and not the more expensive standard rate which are often the most expensive rates.

In addition to saving money on your electricity bills, regularly switching provider can also help you:

  • Avail of cashback offers to new customers.
  • Choose a better reviewed supplier.
  • Find a supplier who uses more renewable energy.
  • Find a supplier who offers a wider range of price plans.
  • Reduce the cost of living.

Be Aware of Cashback Offers

Many providers offer attractive cashbacks to encourage you to sign up but pay attention to the unit rate of the tariff as it may be higher than other providers meaning you could pay more in the long run.

How Do I Compare Electricity Providers?

As you can see, all energy suppliers in Ireland list their prices under an EAB (Estimated Annual Bill).

The EAB is a useful tool to easily compare electricity prices and natural gas tariffs and see at a glance which could be the most economical. The EAB is also inclusive of the PSO Levy, carbon tax and VAT.

Bear in mind that just because a provider is the cheapest, does not necessarily mean that they are the right provider for you.

You’ll also want to consider the following points:

  1. Customer service reviews
  2. Citizens who care for the environment may want to know whether the electricity is from a renewable source or not.
  3. Contract length.
  4. Whether the tariff is fixed or variable. A variable tariff means that your gas or electricity price can change at any given time, whereas a fixed tariff will ensure you pay the same price for the length of the contract.
  5. Whether you would prefer a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) contract or a regular credit contract.

The above factors are also how these providers try to differentiate themselves from the competition while comparing electricity prices.

Negotiate a Better Deal With Your Current Provider

As you reach the end of your contract, your provider will often offer you a discount to renew your contract. Negotiate to make sure that you get the same discount as new customers or even to match the discount offered by other suppliers for the same tariff.

Can My Provider Stop Me from Switching Electricity Supplier?

An electricity supplier cannot prevent a switch in Ireland.

However, if your contract has not ended yet, they can charge you an exit fee. Most exit fees in Ireland run to the tune of €50, although it can be double that or more for dual fuel contracts and/or contracts with a duration of more than 12 months.

It is important to note that if you are in debt with your current energy provider, you will still need to pay them for any amounts owed after the change of electricity or gas provider.

Can I Change My Mind After Switching Electricity Provider?

In Ireland, you can cancel a change of electricity or gas provider at any stage within the first fourteen days of requesting the switch. This is known as the cooling-off period and comes without paying an exit fee. Simply contact the supplier you were switching to about your decision.

Switching Electricity Provider FAQ's

Can I Switch Electricity Provider if I am Renting?

Yes. As long as the bills are in yor name, you are free to switch and find a cheaper deal. If the bills are not in your name and instead your landord's, you will need to ask them to switch on your behalf as they are the account owner.

Who is My Electricity Supplier?

You can find out who your electricity supplier is by looking at the details of your energy tariff on a recent energy bill.

If you don’t have a bill available, or if you’ve just moved home and aren’t sure which utility company supplies your new property, you can:

Call ESB Networks on 1800 372 757
Email ESB on [email protected]

Can I Still Receive Grants and Credits if I Switch Electricity Provider?

Yes, if you’re receiving the fuel allowance or household benefits allowance, contact the department of social protection to let them know you’ve switched provider.

Can I Switch Electricity Supplier if I Owe Money?

If you’re in debt with your current supplier you may not be able to switch but it largely depends on how much you owe. If you owe more than €225, a debt flag will be placed on your account and your new supplier may reject the switch. Therefore it is recommened to settle your debts before swiching provider.

Could I Be Cut off While Switching Electricity Provider?

No. Your electricty supply won’t be affected in any way during the switchover process. Thousands of energy customers are switchd by suppliers every year so there are procedures in place to make sure everything happens seemlessly.

Should I Switch Electricity to a Fixed or Variable Tariff?

Fixed tariffs are normally initially more expensive than variable tariffs, but can provide peace of mind and may work out cheaper in the end if there are any electricity price increases during the year. In the current energy market, a fixed tariff could be very appealing, as it would allow you to avoid further expected price increases.

Should I Switch Electricity To Pay as You Go (PAYG)?

There are just four opt-in PAYG providers in Ireland.

  1. PrepayPower (both electricity and gas)
  2. Pinergy (electricity only)
  3. Flogas (gas only)
  4. Electric Ireland (both electricity and gas)

Keep in mind that Pay As You Go electricity and gas can be a much more expensive option, and carefully consider the pros and cons of PAYG before you switch electricity or gas to this payment method.

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