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What Is a BER Rating and How Can You Improve It?

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House with energy bill escaping from the side walls

A Building Energy Rating (BER) certificate rates the energy efficiency of a home. The efficiency of your home is rated on a scale of A to G with A representing the most energy efficient and G the least. A BER certificate costs €125 and the evaluation of your home can be carried out by an SEAI accredited assessor. Grants are available from the SEAI to cover the cost of the assessment.

What Is a Building Energy Rating (BER)?

A Building Energy Rating (BER) certificate is a measurement of your home's energy efficiency.

Introduced by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), your home's efficiency is rated on a scale from A to G with A representing the most energy efficient and G the least.

The BER scale measures how many kWh per square meter your home requires per year for the following items:

  1. Space heating
  2. Water heating
  3. Ventilation
  4. Lighting

Below you'll find an example of a BER rating certificate. The top of the certificate will show your home's rating along with important information such as your address, BER number and the date until when your certificate is valid.

Below this, you will be able to see where your rating fits into the scale from least to most efficient.

BER Certificate
  • What Does Each BER Rating Mean?
  • A Rating:
    Your home uses less than 74 kWh of energy per square meter a year. These are usually given to newly built homes, purposefully built for energy efficiency and may include some solar panels.
  • B Rating:
    Your home requires between 75 and 149 kWh of energy per square meter a year. Typically handed for a modern home between 10 and 20 years old, which may have had some renovations for efficiency.
  • C Rating:
    Your home needs from 150 to 224 kWh of energy per square meter a year. Often granted to a common flat in a 10 to 15-year-old development.
  • D Rating:
    Your home uses between 225 and 299 kWh of energy per square meter a year. Generally bestowed to a 20 to 40-year-old home with an old boiler and some insulation.
  • E Rating:
    Your home spends from 300 to 379 kWh of energy per square meter a year. Ordinarily assigned to houses that are 30 years or older with single-pane windows.
  • F Rating: Your home ranges from 380 to 449 kWh of energy per square meter a year. Usually delivered to an older home with single glazed windows and no insulation.
  • G Rating:
    Your home uses more than 450 kWh of energy per square meter a year. Historically applied to very old or abandoned dwellings.
What is the average BER rating in Ireland? According to the Central Statistics Office (CSO), in 2024, 37% of homes in Ireland receive a C from the BER rating chart, 24% obtain a D, and only 4% of homes receive the highest rating of an A.

A BER rating is for the most part, a guide to the energy consumotion level of a home. Below you will find a breakdown of the sub-ratings and the type of home they may represent:

📊 BER Ratings Examples
BER RatingExample
A1Brand new, purpose built home, highly efficient.
A3Average modern, recently built home, solar panels installed.
B1Modern 10-20 year old property, with efficiency upgrades.
B3Modern, retrofitted home depending on the age of the house.
C1Common 15-20 year old home with double glazing and attic insulation.
C2Rural home with oil boiler and good level of insulation
C3Typical home, 15-20 years old.
D120-40 year old home with insulation and efficient heating.
D220-40 year old home with double glazing and an older boiler.
E30-40 year old home with no upgrades or double glazing.
F and GOlder properties with poor or non-existant insulation or double glazing.

Who Needs a BER Certificate?

If you are looking to rent your home, or put it up for sale to a potential buyer, you are required by law to obtain a BER certificate.

This is to give the potential new tenant or owner an insight into the property's energy efficiency and how expensive it could be to run.

A BER certificate is also required for a house when:

  • A new home for occupation.
  • On the market for sale or rent.
  • Undergoing work that requires a grant from the SEAI.

How To Get a BER Rating Certificate?

Various contractors in Ireland can obtain a BER rating certificate for your home.

As some of the 2025 SEAI grants require the BER certificate to be completed by one of the certified SEAI contractors, we recommend using one of these assessors for your home's evaluation.

You can find a registered contractor through the SEAI website.

You can expect to pay close to €125 for the average 2 or 3-bedroom house.

It is important to note that only assessments carried out by SEAI contractors are recognised as valid should you want to make improvements to your home using one of their many energy-efficiency grants available.

How Long Does a BER Certificate Last? The BER rating certificate is valid for a period of 10 years. Should you make any structural upgrades, you should have your home reassessed. A high energy-efficiency rating increases the value of your home on the housing market.

How Do You Calculate a BER Rating?

A home's BER (Building Energy Rating) in Ireland is calculated by a qualified BER assessor using a standardized methodology called the Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure (DEAP).

  1. Inspection and Survey:
    The assessor visits the property and conducts a thorough inspection, measuring various aspects of the building, including:
    • Size and age of the building
    • Type of construction
    • Heating and hot water system
    • Ventilation
    • Lighting
    • Insulation
    • Windows and doors
  2. Data Input and Calculations:
    The assessor inputs the collected data into the DEAP software. The software then calculates the energy performance of the performance of the building taking into account factors such as:
    1. Energy used for space heating
    2. Energy used for hot water
    3. Energy used for lighting
    4. Ventilation losses
  3. Rating and Certification:
    Based on the calculations, the software assigns a BER rating to the property. This rating is typically represented by a letter grade (from A to G, with A being the most energy-efficient). The assessor then issues a BER certificate, which is valid for 10 years.

How Do I Find A Property's BER Rating?

The easiest way to obtain this is by visiting the National BER Register page with your electricity's 11-digit Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN).

If you have just moved into a new home, or are considering buying one, it is important to know what the property's BER rating is. This is important for a number of reasons as:

  • A lower rating could mean higher energy bills as more energy is used by the property.
  • Lower rated properties will often be colder in winter due to poor insulation.
  • Lower rated properties, might require large investment to improve efficiency.

How Can I Improve My Home BER Rating?

As we mentioned, the BER rating solely evaluates the energy-efficiency level of your home. To improve the rating, you will therefore need to make improvements to one or many of the following upgrades to your home:

  1. Insulation
    Whether this is for your attic, cavity wall, or any other parts of your home, it is one of the quickest and easiest ways to improve your home's energy efficiency.
  2. Windows and Doors
    Probably one of the more expensive investments you can make, however, windows and doors are where you can have the biggest impact on your home's BER rating.
  3. Renewable Energy
    You can now re-sell to the energy grid any power generated from a renewable source. Installing some solar panels on your rooftop, even in Irish weather, is another way to lower your home's carbon footprint on the environment.
  4. Home Heating System
    There are a multitude of choices in this category, but opting for some of the modern heating systems like underfloor heating, heat pumps using a smart thermostat is another way to improve your home's rating.
  5. Lighting
    Even simple measures like using LED bulbs and other energy-saving tricks can have an impact on your BER rating.

Any of these upgrades do come with the bonus of obtaining saving on your energy costs as well.

You can cut down significantly on the costs of these home improvements by applying for SEAI grants. Their latest range of schemes is very complete and, should you qualify, can even allow you to complete some renovations 100% covered by the grant.

Why Is It Important To Improve Your BER Rating?

There are various reasons one will want to improve your home's BER rating, including:

Below, you will find an example of how improving your BER rating can help cut the costs of running your home:

  • Savings by Improving Your BER Rating
  • The average 3-bedroom house with an E rating would have an annual energy cost of €2,450 per year.
  • The same home with a C rating would have a yearly bill of €1,300.
  • The savings come to €1,150 every year on your electricity and gas bill.

Source: SEAI

With such savings in energy costs, it is easy to see why investing a little in your home can go a long way. In less than 10 years, one can recover over €10,000 on their energy bills in this example.

How Can I Contact the SEAI in Relation to a BER Rating?

For any queries related to the BER rating or home efficiency in general, you can contact the SEAI at the following:

📊 BER Contact Details
BER ContactDetails
Phone[email protected]
Email01 808 2054
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