How Can I Get a Gas Boiler Replacement in Ireland?

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Gas boiler with tool box

To replace your oil boiler you will need to shop around and look at quotes! How can I get a gas boiler replacement? How much does a replacement cost? In our complete gas boiler replacement guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about replacing your gas boiler and how to make sure that it's done safely with a gas registered engineer!


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When Should I Get a Gas Boiler Replacement?


Sooner or later, you might need a gas boiler replacement. This is usually down to time, since many gas boilers will continue to work perfectly for years, but will eventually start deteriorating after a while. There are some clear signs to watch out for when it comes to knowing when to replace your gas boiler.

How Can I Tell If I Need a Gas Boiler Replacement?

There are a number of indicators you can use to tell whether your gas boiler is due for a replacement. Here’s a list of the key indicators you can use to tell:

  1. Boiler Age
    Gas boilers will typically last between 10-15 years. If your gas boiler is approaching this age and starting to break down, it might be time to look into a gas boiler replacement.
  2. Inconsistent Heating and Hot Water
    If you’re getting inconsistent hot water from the tap, like if it’s running cold and then hot again, it could be down to wear and tear and needing a replacement.
  3. Strange Noises
    If your boiler is constantly making banging or clanging noises, you should have it checked out immediately. Your plumber will be able to determine if you need a gas boiler replacement.
  4. Major Leaks
    If you’re having constant leaks and water is dripping from the boiler, it might need to be replaced if the parts can’t be found for it.
  5. Yellow Flame Instead of Blue
    A yellow or orange flame instead of a crisp blue flame can indicate incomplete combustion. This is a serious problem that can produce carbon monoxide so you should get it replaced as soon as possible.
  6. Increased Energy Bills
    Since gas boilers become less efficient with age, it might lead to your energy bills being increased. This can happen when your gas boilers need to try harder to reach the same performance and so add to your home heating bills.


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How Efficient Is My Gas Boiler?

house with ber ratings

To know how efficient your gas boiler is, you first need to look at its energy efficiency rating. You can find these labels on various energy appliances in your home. Here is what these labels mean:

  • A rating - Your gas boiler works at 90% efficiency or more.
  • B rating - Your gas boiler functions between 86-90% efficiency.
  • C rating - Your gas boiler runs between 82-86% efficiency.
  • D rating - Your gas boiler performs at 78-82% efficiency.
  • E rating - Your gas boiler operates at 74-78% efficiency.
  • F rating - Your gas boiler runs between 70-74% efficiency.

All these fancy labels for energy rating look pretty, but they don't tell us what efficiency means in terms of the actual cost. Specifically, how much money are we losing with an inefficient gas boiler?

How Much Does an Inefficient Gas Boiler Cost Me?

An inefficient gas boiler will use more units of gas than necessary to heat your home and water. Using Ireland's average gas usage for a three-bedroom house, the yearly gas cost is approximately €1,403 including VAT. An inefficient gas boiler, therefore, costs you the following:

Gas boiler efficiency rating

Extra gas cost per year

Estimated time required to pay off a new boiler

B rating - 86-90%



C rating - 82-86%


30 years

D rating - 78-82%


20 years

E rating - 74-78%


15 years

F rating - 70-74%


12 years

G rating - under 70%


8 years

What Other Inefficient Gas Boiler Costs?

Beyond paying the extra gas costs for an inefficient boiler, you can also add the average regular maintenance and repairs costs of €73 per visit required for a 10 to 15-year-old gas boiler to function. It is quite easy to see why most experts agree that around 15 years is when you should be considering a gas boiler replacement.

In the graph below, we clearly depict why 15 years is the recommended age to replace a boiler. The accumulated extra cost of gas over 15 years equals the cost of a new gas boiler (around €2,000).

*For simplicity, we are using an average depreciation in efficiency of 2% per year. The line shows the accumulated cost in Euros for the extra gas used over time.


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How Do I Get a Gas Boiler Replacement?

woman thinking

If you’re certain that your gas boiler is broken and needs replacement, you should definitely look into getting it done as soon as possible. Getting a replacement can take a bit of time however, so you should follow these steps to get it done in a straightforward way:

  1. Get Details About Your Current Boiler
    Make sure you know what type of boiler you have and how long you’ve had it. This will help a gas boiler company or engineer understand your needs.
  2. Get Quotes
    Shop around for different boiler quotes and find out how much you’ll need to have it replaced. In some instances, if you have boiler insurance or cover, you might be able to get a discount on the cost of a new boiler.
  3. Get an Assessment
    You’ll need to get an assessment from a gas registered engineer to get an idea of what you need and what your property may require when it comes to your heating. The engineer will usually be from the same company as your boiler cover.
  4. Installation
    Once you’ve decided on the quote, you will need to get it installed. This must be done by a Registered Gas Installer (RGI) and you cannot install your own boiler. After installations, your engineer will double check to see if everything’s in good working order.

How Long Does a Gas Boiler Replacement Take?

A gas boiler replacement usually takes between 2 to 3 hours to get done. Depending on the complexity of your gas boiler installation, it may take multiple hours to get your gas boiler installed. First your engineer will need to assess how best to do the installation and prepare to take out your old boiler. Then they will need to hook the new boiler up and test.


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How Much Is a Gas Boiler Replacement?

Overall, for a gas boiler replacement, you’ll be looking at spending around €2,000 to €3,000. You usually need to consider the following factors going into the overall quote:

  • New boiler
  • Labour
  • Assessments

That being said, if you already have your boiler service with an energy company or just a tariff with them, you can usually get a discount on your replacement boiler, such as with Bord Gáis Boiler Service. A gas boiler replacement can be very expensive, but generally it’s worth the investment and will last you another 15 to 20 years after having the boiler replaced.

Is It Better to Repair or Replace My Gas Boiler?

Repairing or replacing your gas boiler can be a dilemma. Under some circumstances, you might want to consider repairing your boiler, especially if it isn’t that old or only a couple of issues due to wear and tear. However, sometimes it’s just not possible to repair an older boiler since the parts are hard to come by, and it’s better to replace it.


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Are There Gas Boiler Replacement Grants on Offer?

piggy bank

Currently, there are no direct gas boiler grants or SEAI grants for any other type of boiler available in Ireland. In fact, the government is currently phasing gas boilers out of the market by 2025 due to our Paris Agreement commitments. However, there are some other options you can take advantage of when trying to boost the heating efficiency of your home.

What Are the Best Grants for Heating Efficiency in Ireland?

The Heat Pump System Grant is a popular choice right now is for heat pump systems over solar water heating systems. Grants for heat pump systems are available for values up to €3,500. For more information, see our complete guide on heat pump systems.

Alternatively, there is the Heating Controls Grant for a value up to €700. An upgraded heating control system can help you save up to 20% on your gas energy use. Keeping our same three-bedroom example, this simple upgrade alone can bring you savings of €281.


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