Boiler Grants in Ireland 2024: What Is Available?

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Currently, Ireland no longer offers direct boiler grants. However, homeowners can benefit from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland's (SEAI) Heating Controls Grant, which provides financial support for upgrading heating controls to indirectly enhance boiler efficiency. Read more in our Boiler Grants guide.

What New Boiler Grants Are There In Ireland?

Currently There Are No Direct Boiler Grants in Ireland! The SEAI no longer offers direct boiler grants to homeowners looking to replace their boilers with a more efficient model. The SEAI now only provides a Heating Controls Grant, which allows you to pay for upgrades that can indirectly improve your boiler’s efficiency.

Unfortunately, direct boiler grants in Ireland are no longer on offer. Until 2018, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), there was an option called the SEAI Boiler Grant.

However, this was discontinued since boilers need to rely on fossil fuels to heat the water. Instead, there is the Heating Controls Upgrade Grant that the SEAI has available.

What Is the Heating Controls Upgrade Grant?

The Heating Controls Upgrade Grant is a grant from the SEAI. The purpose of the grant is to provide different grants for particular heating efficiency upgrades. In the grant, you can get a grant for the following:

🔥 SEAI Grants for Heating Upgrades



Heat Pump

From €3,500

Heating Controls

From €700

Solar Hot Water

Up to €1,200

Attic Insulation

From €800

Cavity Wall Insulation

From €700

Solar PV

Up to €2,100

BER Rating


Source: SEAI
The grant value varies in size and type of property for the energy efficiency upgrade.


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The indirect boiler grant for upgrading your boiler efficiency is in the Heating Controls grant for €700 as an Individual Energy Upgrade Grant and use it to optimise your current boiler.

You can use the grant to upgrade the heating controls for the following:

  • Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRV)
    Valves that regulate the temperature of individual radiators, allowing for room-by-room control and energy savings by only heating occupied rooms.
  • 7 Day Programmable Timer
    A device that programs the heating system to turn on and off at specific times, improving efficiency helping energy savings by not heating the house when it is unoccupied.
  • Boiler Interlock
    A safety feature that prevents the boiler from operating unless certain conditions are met, ensuring safe operation and energy savings by preventing the boiler from running when it is not needed.
  • Time-Temperature Control of Electric Immersion Heater
    A device that programs an electric immersion heater in a water storage tank to turn on and off at specific times and set temperature, improving efficiency and boosting energy savings by not heating the water when it is not needed.

What is a BER Rating? A BER rating is your Building Efficiency Rating, which grades your property on its energy usage and efficiency. The BER rating is from G, the lowest rating, to A for the most energy efficient homes. You can apply for a BER rating inspection grant of €50 for your property to be reassessed after making your energy upgrades.
Read More in Our BER Rating Guide!

Who Qualifies for a Boiler Grant in Ireland?

When the SEAI Boiler Grant was available, homeowners could receive a grant to upgrade their older boiler system to a more efficient model. There used to be a few requirements that had to be met, that have carried on for the Heating Controls Grant.

What Makes Me Eligible for a Boiler Grant in Ireland?

In order to upgrade the efficiency of your boiler with a Heating Controls grant, the SEAI requires you to meet the following criteria:

  • Homeowner
    You cannot apply for the grant if the property in question is not your own. If you are renting and think that upgrading your boiler is something that should be considered, contact your landlord so they may consider it.
  • Property Built and Occupied Before 2011
    In order to qualify, the property must have been built and occupied before 2011. This will usually be determined by the age of your electricity meter.

Are There Boiler Grants for Pensioners?

Grants from the SEAI, for all types of home improvements including home heating upgrades, are not limited to, nor excluded from, pensioners. These grants are intended to make homes in Ireland more energy efficient, regardless of the age of the person.

Any homeowner who is also a pensioner can apply for these grants provided their home meets the eligibility criteria.

Are Boiler Grants Means Tested?

No, the grants are not related to your income or your means. They are awarded in relation to the home heating improvements you are planning to do. They are designed to encourage better energy efficiency regardless of the homeowner’s level of income.

What Types of Boilers Are There in Ireland?

The cost of a boiler can vary depending on its type and size, as well as the location and complexity of the installation. On average, a new boiler in Ireland can cost between €1,500 and €3,500, including the cost of installation.

However, with boiler grants in Ireland, homeowners can get help to cover part of the costs while also reducing the cost of boiler servicing for outdated or inefficient models.

Here’s a list of the different types of boilers and their costs:

  1. Electric Boiler
    Electric boilers convert electricity to heat and do not require a flue or fuel storage. They are ideal for properties without access to gas and are cheaper to install, but electricity is more expensive than gas in Ireland. The average cost for an electric boiler in Ireland is between €1,500 to €3,000.
  2. Combi Boiler
    A combi boiler provides both heating and hot water without the need for a separate hot water cylinder. The average cost for a combi boiler in Ireland is between €1,500 to €2,500.
  3. Gas Boiler
    A gas boiler is a boiler that runs on natural gas as a fuel source. It requires a connection to a natural gas supply and a flue for venting. The average cost for a gas boiler in Ireland is between €1,500 to €3,500.
  4. Oil Boiler
    An oil boiler is a boiler that runs on oil as a fuel source. It requires a storage tank for the oil and a separate tank for the expansion of the water. An oil boiler in Ireland costs between €2,000 to €4,000.
  5. Biomass Boiler
    A biomass boiler is a boiler that runs on organic materials such as wood, pellet or chips. It's an eco-friendly alternative to electric or gas boilers, as it uses a renewable energy source. Biomass boilers are some of the most expensive in Ireland, costing between €9,000 to €20,000.

Which Boilers Can I Get a Boiler Grant For? There are no restrictions on the boiler type you can get with a boiler grant in Ireland, however gas boilers are currently being phased out with the government announcing that in 2025, no new builds will be allowed to have a gas boiler installed. This is part of Ireland’s net-zero carbon emissions plan set out in the Paris Agreement.
Read More in Our Paris Agreement Guide!


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Should I Get a Heat Pump or a New Boiler?

Due to the high cost of a boiler and the lack of a direct boiler grant in Ireland, heat pumps as an alternative for upgrading heat efficiency at home have become more popular.

A heat pump is a device that is usually attached to the outside of a house that helps regulate the temperature inside. It keeps the warm air inside warm during cold weather and vice versa during hot weather.

Since the SEAI will offer a direct grant to help with a heat pump cost, it could be worth looking into.

Read Our Heat Pumps Guide!

🔥 Heat Pump and Boiler Comparison


Heat Pump

New Boiler

Average Cost

Heat pumps usually costs between €10,000 to €18,000

A new electric boiler cost around €1,500 to €3,000.

Grant Available

Grants start from between €3,500 to €7,500 depending on the model and the size of your property.

There are no direct boiler grants anymore, but you can upgrade your property’s efficiency with a €700 grant.

Energy Saving

Between 250% to 400% efficiency on some models.

High efficiency ratings of up to 100%.

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