How Much Does a New Gas Boiler Cost in Ireland?

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Gas boiler and bills

A new gas boiler will cost between €2,000 and €4,000 depending on the make and model. Gas boilers work by heating water that is then used as part of your central heating system or as a source of hot water for baths, showers and radiators. It's recommended that you have your gas boiler serviced once a year to keep it working efficiently. Always use an RGII registered gas installer when having any work done on your gas boiler.

How Much Does a New Gas Boiler in Ireland?

A new gas boiler in Ireland will typically cost between €2,000 and €4,000. The gas boiler price depends on the following variables:

  • The manufacturer
  • The boiler model
  • The capacity of the boiler

The size of your home will dictate the size of boiler you need and thereby its cost. Below, you'll find a comparison of the estimated price of a gas boiler based on its size:

🔥 Gas Boiler Size Comparison
Size of HomeBoiler SizeEstimated Price
One to Two Bedrooms15–18 kW€2,500
Two to Three Bedrooms18–24 kW€2,800
Four to Five Bedrooms30 kW€3,000


As we can see from the table above, for smaller homes and apartments, a 18kw gas boiler would be sufficient while for larger homes, it would be better to invest in a larger boiler bigger than 20kw.

Are There Gas Boiler Grants in Ireland?

No. There are no longer boiler grants available in Ireland. The government is also planning on phasing out gas and oil boilers by 2025. However, there are grants available from the SEAI for heat pumps and solar water heaters.

What Is the Best Gas Boiler on the Market?

Given that the individual expectations, and budget, of someone purchasing a new gas boiler will be different, it's difficult to give a definitive recommendation as to which is the best boiler available on the market.

What we can advise is the factors to take into consideration before buying a new boiler. By having an idea of this, you will be better placed to compare what is available on the market.

Factors to consider include:

  1. Budget
    With prices starting from just above €2,000 and rising to €3,000+, your budget will largely dictate which boiler you choose.
  2. The length of warranty
    Boilers can be expensive to service and replacement parts can take time to source, so by purchasing a boiler with a good warranty period you can offset these possible future costs.
  3. Boiler efficiency
    It's important to buy a boiler with a high efficiency rating, otherwise you will be losing money on any energy wasted by the boiler.
  4. The size of your home
    The size of your home will determine its heating needs. The bigger your home, the bigger a boiler you'll need. If you are living in a smaller property, a smaller, cheaper boiler may be sufficient.

Below you will find an overview table of some popular gas boiler brands and their estimated price range:

🔥 Gas Boiler Brand Comparison
BrandEstimated Price Range (EUR)
Worchester Bosch€2,500 - €3,500
Vaillant€2,500 - €3,500
Viessmann€3,000 - €4,000
Ideal€2,000 - €3,000
Baxi€2,000 - €3,000

Are Gas Boilers More Expensive Than Oil or Electric?

Gas boilers are similar in cost to oil but given that electricity is always more expensive than either of the other two, it will always be the most expensive means of heating a home.

Having said that, there are several factors that impact on the total cost of heating a home regardless of which type of boiler you have, including:

  1. The size of your home.
  2. Number of occupants.
  3. How well insulated it is.
  4. Your average consumption.
  5. How often you switch gas provider.

The following table gives a basic breakdown of the difference in price between the three types of boilers and which will be phased out completely in the future.

🔥 Electric, Gas and Oil Boiler Price Comparison
BoilerPriceCost per dayWill Be Phased Out?
Electric€600 - €1200€12 to €20
Gas€1500 - €3500€10 to €16
Oil€3000 - €3500€13 to €22

What is the Average Gas Bill in Ireland?

The average annual gas bill in Ireland is €1,257.75 on a standard meter.


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How Much Is a Gas Boiler Service?

The price for a full gas boiler service can range from €80 to €120 excluding labour costs.

There are several factors that can influence the cost of your boiler service, including:

It is recommended to shop around for two or three quotes before choosing a service, as many operators will offer different rates.

A gas boiler service must be carried out by a Registered Gas Installer (RGI) to ensure that the work is carried out to a high standard of safety.

To find a Registered Gas Installer in your area, you can use the RGII offical website to search for an RGI in your county.

Often issues with your boiler can be fixed at home without the need for a full service such as bleeding your boiler.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

As gas boilers burn a carbon emitting fuel, there is a risk of carbon monoxide leaking out if the boiler is not properly serviced. Install a carbon monoxide alarm and make sure to keep an eye out for any discolouring on your boiler.

How Does a Gas Boiler in Ireland Work?

A gas boiler works by burning gas in order to heat water, which is then pumped around your house as part of your home heating system, or for use as hot water in baths, showers, taps etc.

Gas Heating System

To use a gas boiler, you must be connected to the gas network and be in contract with a gas supplier.

Gas boilers are popular forms of heating homes, in particular urban areas, as gas is normally cheaper than both oil and electricity.

There are three main types of gas boilers available in Ireland:

  1. Combi Gas Boiler
    The combi gas boiler has two functions: it heats your water for domestic use and also works as your central heating system. These gas boilers tend to be more compact than other types, as they do not need a tank to store the hot water.
  2. Traditional Gas Boiler
    This type of boiler needs to have a separate cold water tank to feed it, as well as a cylinder to store the heated water. They are referred to as ‘regular’ as they are the most common type of gas boiler in Ireland and have been around for a long time.
  3. System Gas Boiler
    A system gas boiler is similar to a regular gas boiler in that it still needs a separate cylinder to store the hot water. However, it does not need to be fed by a cold water tank. This makes it less bulky and less expensive to install versus a regular gas boiler.

What is a Condensing Gas Boiler?

A condensing boiler works by condensing water vapour in exhaust gases to recover latent heat that would be otherwise lost, making them highly efficient. All gas boilers are, by law, condensing boilers.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Gas Boilers?

For those with access to the gas network, gas boilers offer an affordable and convenient means of heating their homes when compared to oil, electric or biomass boilers.

Despite this, the fluctuating price of gas can make them more expensive and without regular servicing, their efficiency can diminish over time.


  • Natural gas is cheaper than electricity meaning lower energy bills.
  • Modern condensing gas boilers are highly efficient.
  • Wide availabilty and easy to install.
  • Faster to heat up water than electricity and can be used in conjunction with smart temperatire controls.


  • Require yearly servicing by a qualified technician.
  • Are subject to fluctuating gas prices.
  • Can pose a safety issue due to the threat of carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Often people living in rural areas don't have access to the gas netowork.
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