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Cormac is's energy expert along with being the chief content and editorial manager for the website. His aim is to help find the best deal for you and your home energy needs so that you save money on your annual bills. His knowledge and experience of the Irish energy market allows him to offer the best advice and insight into current prices, emerging trends and overall energy saving tips.
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You can apply for a solar panel grant from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Grant amounts vary depending on the output capacity of your solar panels but range from €700 per kWp for up to 2kWp, and €200 for every additional kWp up to 4kWp. In 2025, the grant is capped at €1,800 and is set to reduce by €300 per year before being ended in 2029.
How Do I Qualify for the Solar Panel Grant in 2025?
In order to receive the solar panel grant, you will need to make an application and have it approved by the SEAI.
Before applying, you need to make sure that you fulfil the minimum requirements for making an application:
Home Ownership You need to be the homeowner or the landlord of the property you want the solar panels for. The property needs to have been built and lived in before 2021. The grant is not open for tenants who are renting.
Use a Registered Company In order to go forward with the solar panel grant, you need to be planning to use a registered solar panel company and not another third party in order to qualify. You can check on the SEAI for all the registered solar panel companies that are available to you.
Get Your Safe Electrical Certificates You’ll need to arrange for all the electricity work to be done by aSafe Electric Ireland electrician. After you’ve finished the installation, you must also get a BER rating assessment of the property.
Get Connected to the Electricity Distribution System You will also need to apply for a connection to the Electricity Distribution System to ESB Networks. You’ll need to complete the ESB Networks NC6 form and send it off.
Do I Need Planning Permission for Solar Panels in Ireland?
You do not need to ask for planning permission to have solar panels installed on your property.
How Much is the Grant for Solar Panels in 2025?
The amount that you receive for the solar panel grant depends on the peak output of your new solar panel system.
This means that the amount of power that your solar panel generates at peak times will determine how much you’ll receive in the grant:
The solar panel grant will cover both the labour and the material for the solar panels to be installed in your property.
For many of the grants, the maximum amount is lower than the average price for PV solar panels (around €4,000) so the grant is intended to foot part of the bill for the over costs.
If the total price of the installation, including VAT, is less than the amount of the grant, you will only receive an amount for the actual cost.
In 2025, the grant is capped at €1,800. The Government plans to reduce the grant by up to €300 every year, as it expects the cost of solar panel systems to reduce over time. It is intended that the grant will end in 2029.
How Do I Apply for the Solar Panel Grant in 2025?
To apply for the solar panel grant, you will need to fill in an online application with the SEAI.
You need to make sure that you have a few important details about your property and your connection to the grid to hand before you start making the solar panel grant application.
Details of the solar panel product you’re installing
You will be prompted for all these details when filling in your application, but you should be prepared beforehand just in case.
What Is the Solar Panel Grant Application Process?
After you’ve got all the information necessary, you’ll then need to fill in the online application.
This is a seven-step process that you’ll need to complete in order so you can move onto the next step:
Appoint Solar Panel Installer Firstly, you will need to get quotes from registered solar panel installer companies so you can find out how much you will be looking at paying in getting solar panels installed at your property.
Apply for Solar Panel Grant Next, you will need to fill in the solar panel grant application form online. This will include submitting your bank details, so you make sure they are correct before you continue. You should wait for approval on the grant amount before you begin installing the solar panels.
Solar Panel Installer Applies to ESB Networks Your solar panel installer will then apply to ESB Networks to confirm the connection to the electricity distribution network. This can take around 4 weeks.
Install Your Solar Panels After you’ve received approval and have heard back from ESB Networks, you can then start installing your solar panels.
Get the BER Rating After your solar panels have been installed, you will need to get your BER rating. Your BER rating is extremely important, so you must contact a BER rating assessor as soon as possible to make sure you get your property assessed. If you don’t, you might lose out on the solar panel grant.
Solar Panel Evidence Submitted Your solar panel installer will then send on the documentation you’ll need for getting the solar panels approved. They will also send a copy to the SEAI for them to have a look at before giving you the grant.
SEAI Process the Grant Claim Once all the documentation has been received, the SEAI will process your solar panel grant application and will decide whether you qualify. If you’re successful, the SEAI will pay the grant into your bank account, which usually takes around 4 to 6 weeks.
If you get your solar panels through a DIY solar panel kit, you won't be eligible for the solar panel grant.
Where Do I Apply for Solar Panel Grants in Ireland?
To contact the SEAI about your solar panel grant application or for any queries related to the grant, you can contact the department at the following:
This means that the amount of power that your solar panel generates at peak times will determine how much you’ll receive in the grant:
SEAI Head Office 3 Park Place Upper Hatch Street Dublin 2
Learn More About Energy SavingOur energy guide articles contain lots of useful information on saving energy, lowering costs and having a more positive impact on the environment.
Cormac is's energy expert along with being the chief content and editorial manager for the website. His aim is to help find the best deal for you and your home energy needs so that you save money on your annual bills. His knowledge and experience of the Irish energy market allows him to offer the best advice and insight into current prices, emerging trends and overall energy saving tips.
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