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Who Are Eirgrid?

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min reading
Eirgrid plc group logo next to electricity building

EirGrid is the state-owned electricity transmission system operator in Ireland. They manage and operates the high-voltage electricity grid across Ireland, ensuring a reliable and secure electricity supply to homes and businesses. They are also a key player in Ireland's transition to a low-carbon energy future, working to increase the share of renewable energy sources on the grid.

Who Is Eirgrid?

EirGrid is the state-owned electricity transmission system operator in Ireland and is responsible for the following:

  • Grid Operation: EirGrid manages and operates the high-voltage electricity grid across Ireland, ensuring a reliable and secure electricity supply to homes and businesses.
  • Grid Development: They plan and develop the electricity grid infrastructure, including building new lines and upgrading existing ones, to meet future electricity demands and integrate renewable energy sources.
  • Market Operations: They operate the wholesale electricity market in Ireland, facilitating the buying and selling of electricity between generators and suppliers.

The Eirgrid group is owned by the Irish government. Under ISEM, the Eirgrid Group also owns SONI (System Operator of Northern Ireland) and operates the all-island distribution network.

Eirgrid was set up originally in 2000 to enable competition in the Irish power sector. It is regulated by the CRU, the regulatory body for the energy market and water.

Following the deregulation of the market, they took over management of the transmission grid in 2006. Where Eirgrid handles the electricity side, Gas Networks Ireland handles all the gas distribution.

What Is The Eirgrid Dashboard?

The Eirgrid dashboard is an online web app known as the 'Eirgrid Smart Grid Dashboard'.

The dashboard allows users to see and compare all-island power system statistics and graphs, in one place.

You can see a lot of interesting information regarding the energy market in Ireland through using the Eirgrid dashboard:

  1. Overview
    You can choose to see data from the Republic, from the North, or all-island statistics.
  2. System Demand
    You can see the national electricity production in real-time as well as its demand forecast.
  3. System Generation
    This shows you exactly where the electricity used comes from. Whether it is from coal, gas, or renewable sources.
  4. Imbalance Price/Volume
    Very interesting tab to learn more about the current energy market pricing.
  5. CO2 Emissions
    Anyone with a keen interest in the environment will enjoy this section, which shows how much carbon emissions are emitted daily.
  6. Wind Generation Another great feature of this Eirgrid dashboard is seeing how much wind energy is produced compared to its maximum capacity.
  7. Eirgrid map
    It is particularly interesting as you can have a close-up look at where the energy is produced, transformed, and distributed.

If you are in or interested in the energy sector, this smart grid dashboard is a great tool as it provides real, up-to-date information about electricity in Ireland.

We also think the renewable energy generation graphs and the CO2 emissions information are helpful to enable the public to see how they struggle to meet our Paris Agreement targets.

What Does Eirgrid Do with Renewable Energy?

EirGrid plays a crucial role in managing and integrating renewable energy sources into Ireland's electricity system. They work to make the grid more flexible, resilient, and capable of handling a high proportion of renewable energy sources.

Here's a breakdown of what they do with renewable energy:

  • Connecting Renewable Energy to the Grid: EirGrid is responsible for connecting renewable energy generators, such as wind farms and solar farms, to the high-voltage transmission grid.
  • Balancing Supply and Demand: Since renewable energy can fluctuate in supply, Eirgrid must constantly monitor and balance electricity supply and demand to maintain grid stability
  • Increasing Grid Capacity: Implementing smart grid technologies that can better manage the flow of electricity as they continue to increase the grid's capacity for renewable energy.
  • Supporting Renewable Energy Targets: As part of Ireland's ambitions towards renewable energy, Eirgrid are involved in ensuring that the grid can handle the increase in renewable energy.
  • Facilitating the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme: EirGrid operates the RESS auctions, a government initiative that provides support to renewable electricity projects in Ireland. This helps incentivize the development of new renewable energy generation capacity.

What Is The Difference Between ESB Networks And Eirgrid?

It's easy to get EirGrid and ESB mixed up, as they both play crucial roles in Ireland's electricity system.

Here's a breakdown to clarify their distinct responsibilities:


  • The 'Motorway' Manager: They operate the high-voltage transmission grid, like the motorways for electricity, carrying large amounts of power over long distances.
  • System Operator: They balance electricity supply and demand, ensuring the grid's stability and preventing blackouts.
  • Market Operator: They oversee the wholesale electricity market, where electricity is bought and sold.
  • Future Planners: They plan and develop the grid infrastructure to meet future needs and integrate renewable energy.

ESB (Electricity Supply Board)

  • The 'Local Road' Network: ESB Networks, a part of the ESB, operates the distribution network, which delivers electricity from substations to homes and businesses, like the local roads connecting to the motorway.
  • Customer Connection: They connect homes and businesses to the electricity supply and handle customer-related issues.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: They maintain and repair the distribution network, including power lines and transformers.

The key takeaway is EirGrid focuses on the high-voltage transmission and overall system operation, while ESB Networks handles the lower-voltage distribution and customer connections.

How Do I Contact Eirgrid?

If you would like to get in touch with Eirgrid, you'll find all their contact details below:

Eirgrid Contact Information
Contact methodContact detail
Customer service01 677 1700
Fax number01 661 5375
Email address[email protected]
Mailing addressEirgrid,
The Oval,
160 Shelbourne Road,
Dublin 4,
D04 FW28

You can also contact Eirgrid online on their social media channels.

Eirgrid Facebook  Eirgrid Twitter  Eirgrid Youtube  Eirgrid LinkedIn

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