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How Does Wind Energy Work in Ireland?

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Offshore wind energy mill with a lightbulb

There are just under 400 wind farms on the island of Ireland, with just over 300 of them in the Republic of Ireland. According to Wind Energy Ireland, Irish wind farms provided almost a third of Ireland's electricity in 2024. For most wind energy technology, a wind turbine, which consists of blades that rotate in the wind, drives a generator that produces electricity.

What Is Wind Energy in Ireland?

Wind energy is a type of renewable energy that is generated from wind. For most wind energy technology, a wind turbine, which consists of blades that rotate in the wind, drives a generator that produces electricity.

According to Wind Energy Ireland, the Republic of Ireland has just over 300 wind farms with an installed capacity of 5,000 megawatts.

Wind energy is considered one of the most cost-effective forms of renewable energy, and its cost has dropped significantly over the last few years.

Wind energy can also be a major part of our green transition, completing electric cars and hybrid cars and powering their charging stations either in public or at home.

What is a Wind Farm?

A wind farm is a group of wind turbines in the same area that are interconnected with a power collection system and a communications network. A substation is also located on site. At the substation, this electrical current is increased in voltage with a transformer for connection to the higher voltage transmission system.

How Does a Wind Turbine Generate Electricity?

Wind turbines generate electricity by using the blades to capture the wind’s kinetic energy, which is then converted into electricity.

The blades turn when the wind blows, which then turns the generator that converts the mechanical energy into electricity. The electricity is sent to the power grid where it can be distributed to homes and businesses.

Wind farm

The reason why this is renewable is simply because wind is an infinite resource which won’t run out over other sources such as oil or gas.

On top of that, energy generated by wind turbines has zero carbon emissions making it both a renewable, and clean source of energy for Ireland.

How Much Energy Does Wind Generate in Ireland?

According to the latest report, wind farms provided 41% of Ireland's electricity in December 2024.

The amount of electricity a turbine can generate depends on:

  • Wind speed - Higher speeds mean faster rotation of the blades and therefore more energy produced.
  • Air density - Denser air at higher altitudes puts more force on the blades, which in turn produces more energy.
  • Turbine design - Larger blades can capture more air, in turn generating more energy.
  • Location - Consistent strong winds are necessary, hence why turbines are often placed in coastal areas.
  • Maintenance - Proper maintenance ensure that the turbines work efficiently.

Ireland’s largest wind farm is the Galway Wind Park in Connemara. The turbines there are 3 MW turbines. To use them as an example, when the wind is blowing steadily they can each generate 3 MW of electricity.

A megawatt (MW) is a unit of energy. A single megawatt is equivalent to around 1,000 kilowatts. Boiling a kettle, for example, takes around two kilowatts.

Which County Produces the Most Wind Energy in Ireland?

County Kerry produces the largest percentage of Ireland's wind energy, providing 12.67% of Ireland's installed wind energy.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Wind Energy in Ireland?

Like anything, wind energy also has its advantages and disadvantages.

Although wind energy does have its drawbacks, constant development and innovation have mitigated a lot of the problems wind turbines faced, however, here's a list of the main advantages and disadvantages of wind energy:

Advantages of Wind Energy

  • Renewable Energy Source
    Wind power is a renewable energy source, so it can be generated continuously for as long as the wind is blowing. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite resources that will eventually run out, wind power will never run out.
  • No Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    Wind power does not produce any greenhouse gas emissions. This means that wind power is a clean and sustainable energy source that doesn’t harm the environment.
  • Cost-Effective
    Wind power is becoming increasingly cost-effective as the cost of wind turbine technology decreases over the past few years due to constant investment and development.
  • Low Maintenance
    Once a wind turbine is installed, it requires very little maintenance. This makes it a reliable and not require much added costs as an energy source.
  • Good for Remote Areas
    Wind turbines can be placed in remote and rural areas, providing power to communities that are not connected to the traditional power grid.

Disadvantages of Wind Energy

  • Weather Dependent
    Wind power is dependent on the weather, and the amount of energy generated by a wind turbine can vary depending on the wind speed and direction. This makes it difficult to predict the amount of energy that a wind turbine will generate.
  • Land-Intensive
    Wind turbines require a large amount of land, which can be an issue for areas that are already densely populated. This can also cause conflicts with local communities and wildlife. This can be offset by large offshore wind farms.
  • Noise Pollution
    Large wind turbines can be noisy, which can be a disturbance for local residents, particularly those living close to a wind farm.
  • Visual Impact
    Wind turbines can be visually impactful, particularly in areas of natural beauty in Ireland. This can be a problem for locals and even the tourist industry.
  • High Initial Investment
    Wind turbines require a significant initial investment to build and install, which can be a barrier for some communities and businesses. This however has come down significantly and now wind energy has an attractive risk-reward factor for investors.

Does Wind Energy Make Electricity Cheaper in Ireland?

Wind drives down the price of electricity by pushing expensive fossil fuel generators off the system. For example, on the windiest day in December 2024, was €78.86 per megawatt (MG) almost three times cheaper than on the least windy day when one megawatt cost €294.

How Does Wind Energy Impact the Environment?

Compared to fossil fuels such as gas and oil, wind energy has a relatively low environmental impact.

Wind power generates electricity without producing harmful emissions like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, or nitrogen oxides. This significantly reduces air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change.

Despite its low environmental impact, there are those who have concerns about wind energy for the following reasons:

  • Visual impact - Some people find the sight of large wind turbines an eyesore, particularly in the countryside where many farms are located.
  • Noise pollution - There are concerns about the noise generated by the turbines, although this has been mitigated against.
  • Habitat destruction - Construction of turbines can disrupt local habitats and wildlife.
  • Bird mortality - Turbines can pose a risk to birds, and bats, who may collide with them. Steps are being taken to protect these animals from the turbines.
  • Material use and disposal - The construction and decommissioning of turbines can generate waste, with steps being taken to lessen this impact.

Wind energy is a valuable renewable energy source with a significantly lower impact on the environment compared with fossil fuels. Ongoing research and technological advancements are continually improving the environmental performance of wind power.

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