Dublin Waste Disposal: Your Bin Options Explained

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5 min reading
Recycling items inside a cardboard box, wrapped a environmentally friendly green tag

If you are trying to find out which options for waste disposal Dublin can offer you, then this short guide will help you to understand your options and the importance of disposing of your waste correctly. From breaking down the primary disposal methods to searching for a waste collection provider.

Waste Disposal in Dublin: Introduction

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Every year in Ireland, we create approximately 14 million tonnes of waste, spread between our homes, places of work and industries. This waste can come in various forms, from food waste to construction materials, but what is important, is that when a material comes to the end of its lifespan, it is taken to the appropriate waste disposal facilities Dublin has to offer.

By disposing of our waste correctly, we can give it the chance to do further good, in the forms of being recycled, reused, or as a type of energy generation. This is exemplified in the Circular Economy Plan. This plan encourages people to be considerate in their waste disposal so that when a material enters the economy, it is recycled and reused as many times as possible before its ultimate disposal. In doing so, we help both the environment and the economy.

Waste Disposal Statistics

To help you grasp the scale of our waste output, here are a few quick statistics to consider:

  • In 2019, Ireland generated 1.1 million tonnes of packaging waste
  • Also in 2019 Irish households generated 1.6 million tonnes of waste alone
  • 40% of all household waste is collected from the general waste bin
  • A third of waste placed in the household recycling bins was allocated to the wrong bin
  • 60% of household organic waste is placed in the wrong bin, resulting in it not being recycled

Source: Environmental Protection Agency

From this data we can certainly see that waste is no small matter, and whether it is reading up on what goes into each recycling bin, or visiting local waste disposal facilities, there is a lot more that we can do to help the environment.

Where Can I Dump Waste in Dublin?

The most traditional form of waste disposal Dublin residents will be familiar with is landfills or dumps. A landfill is a site for the disposal of waste materials, primarily by sorting and compacting the received refuse, before storing them in the ground.

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Landfills however can create a myriad of problems both for residents, and the environment. For example, if a landfill is used incorrectly or the landfill management company fails to act in compliance with the law, waste interred at these locations can result in:

  1. Attracting vermin
  2. Potentially causing hazardous contamination of the earth and local water supplies
  3. The generation of harmful gasses
  4. Limit land development potential for future generations

Thankfully with the increasing prevalence of recycling and stepping away from single-use materials, landfill use is steadily dwindling. In 2007 The Republic of Ireland had a total of 29 landfill sites, but as of 2020 only 3 sites are in operation, showing a significant shift in the waste management industry.

That being said, there are still some cases where material cannot be recycled and is also ineligible for fuel generation via incineration or anaerobic digestion. Landfills now have to work with stringent waste and site management rules, hand-in-hand with local authorities and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), meaning that if this is the case, your waste is much less likely to cause harm than in the past.

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How do I Dispose of Hazardous Waste in Dublin?

The South Dublin County Council handles the disposal of most hazardous materials. They have it divided into the following categories:

  1. Packaging

    If you have a business and produce any type of packaging material, you will be able to find your legal obligations and related costs at the following link.

  2. Vehicles

    If your car, van, or trailer is at the end of its life and needs to be disposed of, it can only be done at a licensed treatment facility (ATF). You can find more details about vehicle disposal here.

  3. Batteries

    These are important items that need to be disposed of properly as they contain heavy metals which cause environmental harm. Proper battery waste disposal applies to every entity in the country, learn more about obligations for retailers, producers, and for citizens.

  4. Tyres

    Although not considered hazardous waste, they have been known to cause harm to the environment when not properly discarded. The 2007 Waste Management Regulation outlines the responsibilities and safe disposal of tyres here.

  5. WEEE

    You have seen this term a lot which stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. This applies to many common household items like a TV, radios, mobile phones, toys with batteries, etc. See how to properly discard these items here.

Before throwing away for good any of these items, make sure that firstly you have exhausted all other options regarding the further use or recycling of your items. Remember the three 'R's to help protect our planet, recycling being the very last option:

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle

If there is no other viable method of disposal, check on your local authority's website to see what items and materials are accepted. Be aware also that sites usually charge a gate access fee for domestic users, or charge by the tonne for commercial waste disposal.

Household Waste Disposal and Collection

Of course, the waste disposal method that we are most familiar with is that which we use in our own homes; waste bins.

As each waste collection company offers its own forms of packages, services, prices and conditions, it is important to consider what criteria are important to your home before hiring a waste disposal company in Dublin. For example:

  • What is my budget?
  • How much waste do I output, and what size bins are appropriate?
  • How often do I need my recycling bins to be collected?
  • Does this company operate in my area?

Have a look at our complete and comprehensive guide to Dublin household bin collection guide for all the details you need.

Recycling Centres for Disposals

Image of a golden laptop

The third option for waste disposal Dublin can offer you is to utilize recycling centres, civic amenity centres, and bring banks.

Often you will find that you need to dispose of materials that are neither suitable for your household recycling bins nor a landfill, a few examples include:

  • Batteries
  • Lightbulbs
  • White goods
  • Even glass bottles

Many suppliers also charge by weight per collection or annually, meaning that there the lower the volume of waste collected, the lower your costs may be. This is where recycling centres come in.

Recycling and amenity centres are free to use, and have staff on hand to assist you should you need them. If your bins are getting close to their collection limit, then using the facilities for waste disposal Dublin can offer will help you lower your collection volume. Depositing your waste in alternate ways can save you money.

While they may accept a wide variety of items, capabilities between centres may differ, and some may charge for accepting bulkier items such as televisions or furniture, so calling ahead is recommended. Check out our simple recycling centre guide to learn more about how to utilize these facilities.

What are the Waste Disposal Locations in Dublin?

It’s great knowing that you have further waste disposal options available in Dublin, but how can you find your nearest centre? Once again, you can visit our Dublin bin collection page for a list of Bring Centres or our Recycling Centres page.

Alternatively, you can head to the Dublin City Council website. From here, you can click on the “Waste and Recycling” section. Once within the waste and recycling section, you can click on “Find a recycling centre” to open an interactive map displaying the locations of both bottle banks, bring centres and other facilities.

From the waste and recycling page, you can also find further information on waste collection and disposal services, such as a list of active waste collection providers, how to dispose of bulky items and other handy tips.

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