Waste Disposal Cork: Your Options Explained

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Image of a person recycling

Disposing of waste is an activity that is undertaken constantly, whether it is simply throwing something in your household bins, a collection company processing your rubbish, or even turning trash into fuel. This activity can have a huge effect on the environment along with your pockets, so take a read through this short guide to learn what the types of waste disposal Cork can offer you.

Waste disposal Cork

Every year Ireland creates approximately 14 million tonnes of waste This waste comes in many forms, from packaging to lightbulbs and food. What is important, however, is that when a material comes to the end of its lifespan, it is taken to the appropriate disposal facilities, and given the opportunity to do more rather for us, rather than just waste away.

The Circular Economy Plan exemplifies this ethos by encouraging people to be considerate in their waste disposal, in order that it is recycled and reused as many times as possible before its ultimate disposal. When it reaches the point of final disposal, this waste should be used for energy generation, which lessens the need to use fossil fuels, helping both the environment and the economy.

To help you understand the magnitude of Irish waste output, here are a few statistics to consider:

  • A third of waste placed in the household recycling bins was allocated to the wrong bin
  • 60% of household organic waste is placed in the wrong bin
  • In 2019, Ireland generated 1.1 million tonnes of packaging waste
  • 2019 - Irish households generated 1.6 million tonnes of waste
  • 40% of household waste is collected from the general waste bin

From this data, we can certainly see that waste is a large-scale issue, and which without the correct handling, can easily lead to a lot of materials needlessly going to landfills. Let's see how you can better manage waste disposal Cork.

Recycling centre Cork

The Second option for waste disposal Cork offers is to utilize recycling centres, civic amenity centres, and bring banks.

Image of a globe being held above open hands

On occasion, you will need to dispose of materials that are neither suitable for your household recycling bins nor a landfill, such as batteries, lightbulbs, and white goods. This is where the recycling centre Cork has available comes in handy.

Recycling and amenity centres are usually free to use, and have staff on hand to assist you should you need it. If your bins are getting close to their collection limit, then using the facilities for waste disposal Cork has will help you lower your collection volume by depositing your waste responsibly but without clogging up your own bins.

While they accept a wide range of items, capabilities between centres may vary, and some may charge for accepting bulkier items such as furniture, so calling ahead is recommended.

Cork recycling centre

The city of Cork has only one council-run recycling (civic amenity) centre, the Kinsale Road Civic Amenity site. This is supplemented by no fewer than 37 additional smaller-scale bring banks spread throughout the city for the more day-to-day waste disposal Cork residents need. This facility is open to the public but does have a variety of charges depending on the item type and the volume of waste you are seeking to dispose of.

If you would like a full price breakdown of your Cork recycling centre, and what items this site permits, please click here to be taken to the Cork City Council webpage for this amenity centre. Additionally, if your waste disposal needs are smaller in scale than the amenity centre, then this page will direct you to your nearest bring banks.

Let’s take a quick look at how you can get in touch with the Kinsale Road Civic Amenity site, and what their primary details are.

Recycling Centre Email PhoneNumber Open Hours
Kinsale Road [email protected] 021 492 4299 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 8am-4pm
Wed 11am-4pm
Sat 8am-12.45pm

If you aren’t located within the City of Cork, then this link will provide you with a list of available civic amenity sites within the greater county area.

Household waste collection and disposal

Similarly to how you check for the best energy deals, it is also worth checking to see what the best company for your waste disposal Cork needs. One of the best places to find companies who service you are is to check your local authorities' website. Click here to see a shortlist of service providers for Cork.

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Each waste collection company offers a unique package, with varying prices, services and other features. It is important to consider what criteria are important to your home before commencing your search. For example:

  • What is my budget?
  • What size do I need my bins to be?
  • Do I need weekly or fortnightly collections?
  • Which bins do I actually need, and what waste could I dispose of at amenity centres?

Once you have agreed to a contract, this company will provide you with the details of your household's collection schedule, provide you with bins, and proceed with the task of collecting your waste.

As we have seen, a large amount of waste doesn’t make it to the right bins. While as a rule, most household bins accept the same forms of waste regardless of your service provider, there can be some variances depending on the capabilities of their respective waste processing facilities. If you have recently changed provider or are uncertain of what items go in which bin, you should consult your policy documentation for further information.

Traditional waste disposal

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In the past, landfills or dumps were the dominant type of waste disposal Cork residents used. These, however, can lead to the creation of a range of issues both for residents, and the environment. Improper landfill management can result in:

  1. Attracting vermin such as rats and seagulls
  2. The pollution of the earth and water streams through leaking hazardous waste or item degradation
  3. The generation of greenhouse gasses

With the increasing prevalence of recycling and reductions in the use of single-use materials, landfills are seeing a decline in popularity. In 2007 The Republic of Ireland had a total of 29 landfill sites, but as of 2020 only 3 sites are in operation, showing a huge shift in waste sustainability.

Landfills now have to work within stringent waste and site management rules, hand-in-hand with local authorities and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). This means that if there is no other way to reuse your waste, and landfill is inevitable, then it will be stored in a safe and sustainable manner.

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