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How Do I Top Up & Do Once-Off Payments with Pinergy?

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Pinergy top up meter with company logo

Pinergy customers can top up their account online, through the Pinergy app, or at any Payzone outlet. Pinergy also allow customers to set up scheduled payments, where your account will be topped-up by a set amount on a date of your choosing. Pinergy no longer offer a phone number for topping up.

How Do I Top Up My Pinergy Meter?

There are four ways you can make a Pinergy top up and put credit on your PAYG meter:

  • Top up online via the provider’s website
  • At any Payzone outlet
  • Using the Pinergy app
  • Pinergy scheduled payments

Pinergy no longer offer a phone service for topping up and prefer that customers top up online instead.


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How Do I Do a Pinergy Top Up Online?

There are two means of topping up available on the Pinergy website:

  • Logging in to your Pinergy online account and topping up
  • Performing a once-off top up

We take a step-by-step summary of these two online top-up options below.

Topping Up Through Your Pinergy Online Account

You’ll need to register to be able to top up online through the Pinergy website. However, note that you’ll actually be registering for an online account with Payzone, not Pinergy, as Payzone manages Pinergy’s online top-ups.

To register, you’ll need to provide the following information:

  • Personal details
  • Meter details
  • Payment details.

After registering, you’ll simply need to log in and select your top-up amount. This is a useful option if you think you’ll be topping up a lot online.

However, if you’ll only need to top up online once or twice, then you might be better offwith the Pinergy once-off top up option (see details below).

How Do I Do a Pinergy Once-Off Top Up?

To make a Pinergy once-off top-up online, you’ll need to know the following to top up successfully:

  1. Provide your premise number of the property where the meter you wish to top up is.
  2. Provide your email address.
  3. Provide your card details to complete the Pinergy once-off top up.

What Is My Pinergy Premise Number?

Your Pinergy premise number identifies the address with which your Pinergy account is associated. It is the number on the front of your Pinergy top up card.

Being able to perform a once-off top up with Pinergy can be useful in various situations, such as:

  • If you’re in a rush and don’t have time to register online.
  • If you can’t remember your online account login details.
  • If you just want to help out a friend or family member.

How Do I Do a Pinergy Payzone Top Up?

To make a Pinergy top-up and put credit on your smart meter, you can use a Pinergy top-up card.

Upon signing up for prepaid electricity with Pinergy, you should have received two Pinergy top-up cards.

Simply take your Pinergy top-up card to any Payzone outlet and tell the cashier how much you would like to top up.

The Payzone outlet cashier will then give you a receipt with a 20-digit top-up code (called a Powercode), which you can then bring home and use to top up your meter.

If you lose the receipt with your Powercode on it, you can either return to where you purchased your top-up, give them your top-up card, and they will reprint the receipt, or call Pinergy customer services who will relay the Powercode to you.

How Do I Top Up with the Pinergy App?

Here are the various steps required for you to top up your meter via the Pinergy app:

  1. Install the app (available on both Android and the Apple Store)
  2. Register your details
  3. Make top-ups as you do with your Pinergy online account

What Are Pinergy Scheduled Top-Ups?

You can set-up scheduled payments via the Pinergy App whereby your meter is topped-up by a certain set amount each month. This is a useful way to make sure that you never run out of credit. You can set the day and amount that you want.

How to Enter a Pinergy Top-Up Code Into Your Meter

Although Pinergy’s PAYG offering comes with a smart meter and any top-up should automatically; be added to your credit, sometimes, this doesn’t happen.

If this is your case, you will simply need to enter your Powercode (top-up code) into your smart meter manually:

  1. Press “1” on your Pinergy smart meter to see the message “KEYCODE” appear on the display.
  2. Enter your Powercode (which should be at least 20 digits, and can sometimes be even longer)
  3. Once the Powercode is entered, press the “#” key
  4. “SENDING” will appear on the display and should be followed by “ACCEPTED” within a few seconds.

If, “REJECTED” appears, the smart meter will then display either “DUPLICATE” or “INCORRECT” a few seconds later.

If “DUPLICATE” appears, then you’ve already used that Powercode.

If “INCORRECT” appears, you’ll need to try typing in your Powercode again.

What Happens To My Credit If I Move Home?

If you're planning on moving home, you can Pinergy on 0818 363 749 and their customer service team will help with any outstanding credit that you have.

How Do You Get Emergency Credit on Pinergy?

The one major inconvenience of any pay-as-you-go plan is your electricity being cut off. This can be due to one of the following:

  • Mistake with a previous top-up
  • Technical errors
  • Customer's financial hardship

As with other providers, customers have both emergency and friendly credit available. These provide safety nets for those having issue with payments to ensure that they are not cut off.

How To Activate Emergency Credit with Pinergy

Pinergy offers €10 emergency credit if you are unable to top up. To activate this credit, follow these easy steps:

  1. Press '7' on your Smart Meter Keypad.
  2. 'EC offer' will appear on the display.
  3. Press 'A' to accept and the €10 will be applied.

It is important to remember to pay back this €10 and bring your account back into credit by at least €2 as soon as possible to avoid further troubles.

How To Activate Friendly Credit with Pinergy

A further backup to the emergency credit, Pinergy customers can also access friendly credit. There is no set amount for this credit, and it will only start if your emergency credit runs out in one of the following situations:

  • Between 5 pm and 9 am weekdays
  • Between 5 pm Friday and 9 am Monday
  • On important holiday dates: January 1st, March 17th, and December 24th, 25th, 26th, and 31st.

As you can see, friendly credit is intended to keep your electricity working outside of Pinergy's operating hours. It will only work in the above-mentioned situations once your €10 emergency credit runs out.

Once again, you will have to pay back both the €10 emergency credit and any friendly credit used to bring your account back into credit by at least €2.

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