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As of March 2025, Bord Gáis Energy are offering a 32% discount on standard electricity rates for new customers with an estimated annual bill of €1,257 on thier 24hr, standard plan. Bord Gáis Energy are also offering discounts of up to 32% on their smart, gas and dual fuel plans. If you are looking to switch electricity provider, you can call 📞(01) 913 1771.
Our Selectra Score for Bord Gais Energy is a B!
This rating is based on the providers competative prices and discounts for new customers, mixed customer reviews with some complaints about the quality of customer service, and range of price plans including electricity, gas, dual fuel and smart meter plans.
What Are the Bord Gáis Energy Electricity and Gas Rates?
Their standard, 24hr urban price plan has an estimated annual bill of €1,310.
🛠️ Electricity Only Tariffs
32% Discount
EAB from
51 /year
12 months fixed
Urban Meter
View More View Less garanties
Urban 24hr
Unit Rate: 24.99c /kWh
Standing Charge: €218.55
EAB: €1,310.51
Urban Nightsaver
Day Rate: 26.79c /kWh
Night Rate: 13.26c /kWh
Standing Charge: €287.36
EAB: €1,170.75
Urban Night Storage
Unit Rate: 24.92c /kWh
Night Rate: 13.22c /kWh
Standing Charge: €241.86
EAB: €1,084.94
32% Discount
EAB from
31 /year
12 months fixed
Rural Meter
View More View Less garanties
Rural 24hr
Unit Rate: 24.99c /kWh
Standing Charge: €274.34
EAB: €1,366.31
Rural Nightsaver
Day Rate: 27.31c /kWh
Night Rate: 13.50c /kWh
Standing Charge: €356.03
EAB: €1,255.30
Rural Night Storage
Unit Rate: 24.99c /kWh
Night Rate: 13.22c /kWh
Standing Charge: €297.66
EAB: €1,142.29
Last Updated: March 2025 EAB calculated based on average gas usage (11,000 kWh) with VAT and Carbon Tax included.
Gas Plans
Bord Gáis Energy offer a standard gas plan with an estimated annual bill of €1,273.
🔥 Gas Tariffs
17% Discount
EAB from
18 /year
12 months fixed
Gas Tariff
View More View Less garanties
Unit Rate: 9.27c /kWh
Standing Charge: €131.69
EAB: €1,273.18
Last Updated: March 2025 EAB calculated based on average electricity usage (4,200 kWh) with VAT and PSO Levy included.
Smart Electricity Plans
Bord Gáis Energy now offer smart electricity price plans for customers with an activated smart meter with an estimated annual bill of €1,287.
💡 Smart Tariffs
32% Discount
EAB from
12 month fixed
Time of Use Tariffs
View More View Less garanties
Urban Smart Meter
Peak Rate: 32.48c /kWh
Day Rate: 26.63c /kWh
Night Rate: 19.65c /kWh
Standing Charge: €218.55
EAB: €1,287
Rural Smart Meter
Peak Rate: 30.08c /kWh
Day Rate: 24.64c /kWh
Night Rate: 18.14c /kWh
Standing Charge: €274.34
EAB: €1,371
Last Updated: March 2025 EAB calculated based on average electricity usage (4,200 kWh) with VAT and PSO Levy included.
Dual Fuel Plans
Bord Gais Energy's cheapestdual fuel plan is currently their standard, urban, night storage plan with an estimated annual bill of €2,566.
✌️ Dual Fuel Tariffs
Up to 24% a Discount
EAB from
30 /year
12 months fixed
Urban Meter
View More View Less garanties
Urban 24hr
Electricity Unit Rate: 28.58c /kWh
Gas Rate: 09.38c /kWh
Standing Charge: €350.24
EAB: €1,655.91
Urban Nightsaver
Day Rate: 30.73c /kWh
Night Rate: 15.21c /kWh
Gas Rate: 09.38c /kWh
Standing Charge: €419.05
EAB: €1,489.04
Urban Night Storage
Unit Rate: 28.58c /kWh
Night Rate: 15.16c /kWh
Gas Rate: 09.38c /kWh
Standing Charge: €373.55
EAB: €1,397.30
Up to a 24% Discount
EAB from
89 /year
12 months fixed
Rural Meter
View More View Less garanties
Rural 24hr
Electricity Unit Rate: 28.67c /kWh
Gas Rate: 09.38c /kWh
Standing Charge: €406.04
EAB: €1,715.28
Rural Nightsaver
Day Rate: 31.33c /kWh
Night Rate: 15.48c /kWh
Gas Rate: 09.38c /kWh
Standing Charge: €487.72
EAB: €1,575.93
Rural Night Storage
Unit Rate: 28.67c /kWh
Night Rate: 15.16c /kWh
Gas Rate: 09.38c /kWh
Standing Charge: €429.35
EAB: €1,454.89
Last Updated: March 2025 EAB calculated based on average electricity usage (4,200 kWh) + average gas usage (11,000 kWh) with VAT, PSO Levy included and Carbon Tax included.
How Do I Contact Bord Gáis Energy?
The provider offer a range of contact methods, with the most common found in the table below:
📞 Bord Gáis Energy Contact Details
01 611 0101 Weekdays from 8am to 8pm Saturdays, 9am to 5:30pm
Home Energy, Bord Gáis Energy, PO Box 10943, Dublin 2.
Visit our dedicated Bord Gáis Energy contact page to find all contact details for the supplier including phone, email, web chat, social media and post.
How Do I Switch to Bord Gáis Energy?
Switching online is the most convenient for new electricity and gas customers:
⚡ Switching Online to Bord Gáis Energy
Find a recent energy bill to have all the necessary details at hand.
Visit the Bord Gáis Energy website.
Click on the energy option at the top of the screen to browse the available plans.
Use the filters to look for a plan that suits you.
When you find the plan you want, click the switch now option.
Fill in your details.
You will receive an email confirming your switch.
Prefer to Switch Over the Phone?
If you prefer to switch over the phone, you can contact Bord Gáis Energy directly on 01 611 0151 and a member of their switching team will assist you with the process.
Before switching electricity provider, it is important to have the following information ready to make the switch as convenient as possible
A recent energy bill
Your MPRN number (or GPRN number if switching gas plans)
Your eircode
Your personal details
Phone Number
Bank details (including your IBAN if you want to set up direct debit)
How Do I Pay My Bord Gáis Energy Bill?
In keeping with their focus on ease of access to their services, there are a variety of ways to help understand how to pay both their utility bills.
You can pay by:
Cash or Card You can pay part or all of your bill at any Payzone, PostPoint outlet, or any Post Office.
Cheque Make the cheque out to Bord Gáis Energy and send it, along with a filled-out bank giro credit transfer slip, to their address.
Direct Debit If you have an online account, you can sort this out online..
Online If you’ve already registered online, you can log in to your account and arrange to pay. If you haven’t registered yet, there is a Pay Now option, which there is no need to register for.
Telephone The supplier operates a 24-hour telephone payment service, just grab your debit or credit card and call them on 01 611 01 72
Is There a Bord Gáis Energy Boiler Service?
Not only is Bord Gáis Energy a gas and electricity supplier, but they all also offer excellent boiler maintenance and repair services. Our full and comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about Bord Gáis boiler service plans.
Is There a Bord Gáis Energy App?
There is a Bord Gáis Energy app available for both iOS and Android devices, which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
The app allows customers to do the following:
View up to two years of bills.
See when your next bill is due.
Make payments and schedule future payments.
Set up a direct debit.
Submit meter readings.
View other important details relating to your account.
Existing customers can also visit our Bord Gáis login page for information about how to contact the energy supplier via their personal online account.
Are There Bord Gáis Energy Rewards?
Regardless of how you pay for your bill, you will want to learn more about the well-known Bord Gáis Energy rewards programme.
Existing customers can sign up and accumulate points for each euro spent which can later be exchanged for a variety of rewards including discounts, vouchers, and cashback with the following companies:
We examine the two main review websites of Trustpilot and Google to see what customers think of their services.
Bord Gáis Energy Reviews
Complaints about high prices and rude customer service.
Reviews related to a bad customer service experience, particulary with boiler service.
Last Updated: February 2025
On Trustpilot, Bord Gáis Energy are rated as "Great" with 3.8 out of five stars from 478 reviews.
40% of customers who left a review on the site gave the provider an excellent rating, while 54% rated the supplier as either poor or bad.
On Google, the provider currently has a rating of less than 3.0 out of 5 stars from 401 reviews.
Customers who left reviews reported having had issues with billing and customer services.
Complaints brought up included the following:
Receiving estimated bills after meter readings had not been applied.
High prices
Long wait times to get through only to not have issues resolved.
Our dedicated Bord Gáis reviews article offer a more in-depth look at customers experiences with the supplier.
What Is Level Pay with Bord Gáis Energy?
Level pay is a new initiative from Bord Gáis Energy to help customers manage their energy bills. Rather than paying a different amount each month for your electricity and gas, your payments remain the same over a 12-month period.
The company estimates your yearly usage and then divides the annual cost into 12 even payments, making it easier for you to manage your monthly budget.
If you are found to be over consuming, a new monthly amount will be calculated to better reflect your consumption levels.
*Our energy experts, who specialise in the Irish energy market, are trained representatives of and offer a free of charge, price comparison service.
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*Our energy experts, who specialise in the Irish energy market, are trained representatives of and offer a free of charge, price comparison service.