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David began his journey at Selectra in March 2021. With his expertise in various Irish utility markets, he has a strong focus on the energy industry. In addition, David is familiar with Irish broadband, waste collection, and security alarms markets. His well-rounded understanding of these sectors allows him to provide valuable insights and contribute effectively to the team.
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The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) is Ireland's independent energy and water regulator. The CRU ensure that the utility markets function well and aim to protect the consumers in Ireland from poor practices on the part of companies. They also mediate on behalf of customers who are having issues with their energy suppliers.
What Does the CRU Do?
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU), formerly known as the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER), is Ireland's energy market and water regulator.
Regulation of the energy sector Ensuring a high standard of energy supply, promoting competition, while also protecting energy customers.
Regulation of the water sector Monitoring the performance of Uisce Éireann to protect consumer interests.
Protecting consumers Providing information, establishing standards of services, and acting as a mediator for consumers experiencing issues with their suppliers.
What Is The ISEM?
The Integrated Single Electricity Market (ISEM), is a new electricity market arrangement for the entire island of Ireland. It is overseen by a committee composed of CRU representatives (representing the Irish electricity market), Northern Ireland Utility Regulator representatives, and two independent members.
How Does the CRU Regulate The Energy Sector?
As all regulation of energy across the Republic of Ireland falls under its remit, the CRU monitors the following areas:
Rate compliance
Developments in the market
Customer engagement
Customer protection
What Is CRU Compliance?
All energy suppliers in Ireland are required to produce a customer charter adhering to the CRU’s guidelines.
As part of these charters, suppliers must also set out how to compensate and/or refund customers when they have failed to meet the standards set out in the charter.
In these charters, suppliers must set out a minimum of seven codes of practice. These should at least cover signing up, billing, disconnection, and complaint handling.
The minimum penalty for failing to meet their codes of practise is €30, and customers may still be entitled to further redress or compensation.
What Is an EAB?
EAB stands for Estimated Annual Bill. The CRU advises that the estimated annual bill in Ireland for electricity consumption is 4,200 kWh, and for gas 11,000 kWh. Of course, depending on your household size and consumption, this can vary.
What Is CRU Safety?
The CRU seeks to protect not only the public from energy or water dangers, but also workers in the energy industry.
As part of its commitment to customers, the energy regulator not only supervises the safe transportation and supply of energy, but it also regulates and certifies electrical and gas installers.
You should always check if your energy equipment or revision “expert” is certified in order to minimise and avoid any possible future dangers to your household.
One of the most common reasons the public interacts with the CRU is regarding complaints.
If you’re experiencing any issue with your energy supplier, network operator or Irish Water, the first stepis to contact the company and see if they can resolve your issue.
If you’re not happy with the proposed resolution, the next step is to lodge a formal complaint with them.
Suppliers have two months to resolve complaints, barring technical mishaps, after which you can escalate the issue to the CRU if you're still not satisfied.
Most complaints the CRU handles are resolved within three months.
How Do I Make CRU Energy Complaints?
Energy complaints can either be made about your energy supplier (the company you pay your bills too) or your Distribution Network Operator (DNO).
DNOs operate the distribution networks that deliver energy to our homes.
Depending on your issue, you'll need to first contact one of these services before you log a complaint with the CRU.
Suppliers handle issues related to the following:
Billing and account issues.
Changing supplier and moving home.
Closing your energy account.
Marketing and advertising issues, including door-to-door salespeople.
Note that you do not need to be a current customer of an energy provider to log a complaint with them. You could, for example, be displeased with the behaviour of a sales representative of that company who had visited your house.
What Are the Steps for a CRU Complaint?
Once you've completed the complaints handling process with either your supplier or your network operator, you can then log the complaint with the CRU. To do so, there is a six-step process that you must follow :
Submit Your Complaint Submit your complaint to the CRU in writing. This can be done by completing the online complaint form and then either emailing it to customer care or submitting it to the customer care department by post.
The CRU Will Verify After submitting your complaint, the CRU will check that you engaged in the complaints process with either your supplier or your network operator. It will ask for the relevant records from the energy company to ensure this was done.
The CRU Will Provide a Copy The CRU will then provide you with a copy of the energy company's report and ask you if you wish to comment on it.
The CRU Will Investigate Following this, the CRU will investigate the issue. It may also need to follow up with you or the energy company.
The CRU Will Reach a Decision The CRU then proposes a decision. You and the supplier/network operator then have the opportunity to comment on the decision.
Final Decision After taking all comments into account, the CRU’s final decision will be made known.
How Do I Contact the CRU?
To contact the CRU regarding complaints, or any other issues you may be having, there are several options detailed below.
The Customer Care Team, Commission for Regulation of Utilities, P.O. Box 11934, Dublin 24.
Learn More About Energy SavingOur energy guide articles contain lots of useful information on saving energy, lowering costs and how to have a more positive impact on the environment.
David began his journey at Selectra in March 2021. With his expertise in various Irish utility markets, he has a strong focus on the energy industry. In addition, David is familiar with Irish broadband, waste collection, and security alarms markets. His well-rounded understanding of these sectors allows him to provide valuable insights and contribute effectively to the team.
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