Yuno Energy Customer Reviews and Ratings 2025 - Pros & Cons

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In 2025, Yuno Energy has a rating of 4.4 out of 5 on Trustpilot, and a rating of 3.1 out of 5 on Google. Reviews of Yuno Energy by customers focused on their pricing, customer service and any issues or queries with billing or contracts. Along with our expert Selectra opinion, we have summarised their pros and cons to help you make the right choice when switching energy provider.


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Reviews of Yuno Energy

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What our energy expert has to say about Yuno Energy

Yuno Energy's advantages lie in their competitive fixed-rate pricing and digitally-driven approach, offering customers real-time usage tracking and predictive billing through a user-friendly mobile app. However, concerns over expensive predicted bills and their reliance on digital platforms may be a drawback for some. In addition, as a relatively new company, they lack the established track record of larger providers, potentially leading to concerns about long-term stability and customer service limitations.

CormacEnergy Expert - Selectra

Pros and cons of Yuno Energy according to Selectra

Strengths and weaknesses of Yuno Energy
Strengths of Yuno Energy
  • Yuno Energy are the newest supplier to enter the Irish energy market, offering fixed and variable rate tariffs on electricity and gas. 
  • use smart meter data to predict upcoming bills, and allow the customer to try and use less energy than predicted, to save money.
  • Customer support available 7 days a week. 
  • Their mobile app provides customers with detailed insights into their energy consumption. 
Weaknesses of Yuno Energy
  • Their heavy reliance on the mobile app may be a disadvantage for customers who are not tech-savvy or prefer traditional methods of communication and bill payment.
  • Customers have reported issues with their predictive billing system, complaining of expensive predicted bills and issues with attaining refunds.
  • Dependency on smart meters and accurate consumption data can cause issues when meters are faulty. 

What Do Customers Have To Say About Yuno Energy on Google and Trustpilot?

The table below offers an overview of the average rating for Yuno Energy based on customers opinions from popular review websites.

Online Reviews for Yuno Energy
Platform Rating Number of Reviews
Google 3.1 out of 5 212
Trustpilot 4.4 out of 5 984

Reviews of Yuno Energy from Google

In 2025, Yuno Energy has a rating of 3.1 out of 5. Customers who left reviews tended to focus on their experience with customer service, both positive and negative, along with complaints about billing issues. Others praised the provider for their pricing competitiveness.

Reviews of Yuno Energy from TrustPilot

In 2025, Yuno Energy has a rating of 4.4 out of 5. Negative reviews from customers were directed towards issues with billing and pricing along with complaints about customer service. There were positive reviews where customers highlighted the reliability of the provider along with their own positive, personal experiences with customer service.

Who Is the Cheapest Electricity Provider in Ireland?
Supplier Estimated Annual Bill Details
Standard, 24hr

1270.46 € Call to switch now
  • 12-month contract
  • 100% green energy
  • Variable rate
  • Online billing
  • Direct debit
Electric Ireland
Standard, 24hr

1314.83 € Call to switch now
  • 12-month contract
  • Variable rate
  • Online billing
  • Direct debit

SSE Airtricity
Standard, 24hr

1402.55 € Call to switch now
  • 12-month contract
  • 100% green energy
  • Variable rate
  • Online billing
  • Direct debit

*Figures are for illustrative purposes only. Calculations based on average consumption figures for an urban home with a standard meter. All discounts have been applied.

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*Our energy experts, who specialise in the Irish energy market, are trained representatives of and offer a free of charge, price comparison service.